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  • Together ControlCenter 6.0 入门实践教程.rar ... 类(Classes) 类(Classes)与关联(Associations) 模板模式(Template Patterns) 使用类模式(Class Patterns)进行代码重构(Refactoring) 时序图(Sequence Diagrams) 文档生成 审查(Audits)与统计(Metrics) (需要 Together ControlCenter) 运行和调试 Java 工程
  • AComP_5_1.rar 高等通信原理16_QAM symbol sequence of 2000 symbols and plot the constellation
  • mjyna.rar Evaluate a sequence of Bessel functions of the first and second kinds and their derivatives with integer orders and real arguments
  • menxa.rar Fortran program: Evaluate a sequence of exponential integrals En(x)
  • BPSK_Simulation_for_AWGN_Rayleigh_Channels.rar ... SYSTEM SIMULATION We simulate the generation of random variables r0 and r1, which constitutes the input to detector.The detector output is compared with the binary transmitted sequence and an error counter is used to count the number of bit errors.
  • caq0209.rar 在Windows2000中Ctrl-Alt-Delete组合键的处理如下: Winlogon初始化的时候,在系统中注册了CTRL+ALT+DEL Secure Attention Sequence(SAS)热键,并且在WinSta0 Windows 系统中创建三个桌面。 SAS热键的注册使得Winlogon成为第一个处理CTRL+ALT+DEL的 ...
  • hmm_new.rar ... 。 (a) Probability Evaluation: 給定狀態轉換機率A、狀態符號觀察機率B、和起始機率 ,求觀察序列 出現的機率。 (b) Optimal State Sequence: 給定狀態轉換機率A、狀態符號觀察機率B、起始機率 、和觀察序列 ,求一個狀態序列 使得O出現的機率最 ...
  • oraclelijianxulie.rar 在oracle中sequence就是所谓的序列号,每次取的时候它会自动增加,一般用在需 要按序列号排序的地方。
  • ds_ss_rake.rar RAKE receiver for direct-sequence spread spectrum systems Simulink model of a simple direct-sequence spread spectrum system with RAKE reception
  • BlindEqualizer.rar Blind Equalizer 的演算法主要是利用CMA及 LMS 的配合,当CMA将EYE打开,使讯号趋近于正确值,就切换到LMS,利用Slicer的输出当作training sequence来调整Equalizer的系数,而Carrier Recovery 的部份,则是将phase error track出来