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  • Textdiff.zip ... - TDiff - written in Borland s Delphi programming language. This component dramatically simplify programming tasks that require calculations of shortest path or longest common sequence as typically required in file compare utilities.
  • fibonacci.rar In mathematics, the Fibonacci sequence is the following infinite sequence of natural numbers: The first element is 0, ... remaining element is the sum of the previous two: Each element of this sequence is called Fibonacci number. This sequence was ...
  • prjct.rar this consists the code for acf and ccf for gold code sequence.......generation of pn sequence....etc
  • Tracking_object_.rar ... popular method for visual tracking. Within this framework, it is generally assumed that the data are temporally independent given the sequence of object states. In this paper, we argue that in general the data are correlated, and that modeling such ...
  • Automatic.rar automatic localization of moving vehicle in image sequence
  • PracticalIndustrialDataNetworks3.rar.zip in this data communication booktransfer of information from one point to another specified in this book specifically concerned with digital data communication.as represented by a sequence of zeros and ones.
  • FlowCorr.zip This is matlab code for block matching motion estimation, courtesy of Mr Nixon. I need help reading in sequence tho...so please help
  • question2.rar Q1 Create a program that will initialise Port2 bits 0 - 7 to outputs. Then in an endless loop perform the sequence of bit manipulations shown below. Your program should use bit masking operations. Here is an outline of the program in pseudo-code and with ...
  • kmeans.rar ... K and we assume the centroid or center of these clusters. We can take any random objects as the initial centroids or the first K objects in sequence can also serve as the initial centroids. There are two function for that the kMeanCluster and distMatrix
  • Hand-ANNIE05.rar ... the environment, path planning and controls. Path planning has been defined as determining if a continuous and obstacle-avoidance sequence of positions and orientations of the robot exists, starting with the initial position and orientation of the robot, ...