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  • mSequenceGen.zip a m sequence generator
  • Feature-Extraction-From-Protein-Seq.rar feature extraction from acid amine sequence
  • CBIR-UML-Diagram.rar Here i am attaching the UML Diagrams of Content based image retrival which cn be help for the developing the project documentation. It consits of 6 types of different uml diagrams like Usecase,class,sequence,colloboration,and activity so enjoy.........
  • 360-Degrees-Image-Sequence.zip 在ios中现实360度的图片显示效果,如同3D效果一样.
  • 360-Degrees-Image-Sequence.zip 360度浏览图片的效果!请参考苹果官网的例子
  • Basic-Serial-Elements.zip This walkthrough creates a sequence of media items to create an interactive move experience complete with a progressive video pre-roll, a dynamic streaming preview, a SWF based quiz and if passed, access to watch the whole clip via dynamic streaming.
  • Sequence.rar java 排序 北大青鸟 授课源码 练习题
  • IJRRAS_11_2_09.rar ... families to avoid having children with devastating diseases or identify people at high risk for conditions that may be preventable. One type of DNA testing involves comparing the sequence of DNA bases in a patient s gene to a normal version of the gene.
  • doc_pnseq21.rar Pseudo Noise Sequences A pseudo-noise (PN) sequence is a periodic binary sequence ,usually generated by means of feedback shift register