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  • Sequence-Memoizer Public code which implements a Bayesian non-parametric sequence model known as the stochastic memoizer for sequence data.
  • DNA-sequence-highlighter Highlight DNA and RNA sequences This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1684 Highlight DNA and RNA sequences in a manner similar to most sequence-editing software, e.g., Sequencher, TreeView, MEGA etc.
  • sequence ... on these lines. The range will be guessed and the first sequence of numbers will be transformed. If you want to transform the ... that you can use . to repeat any normal mode (for now) sequence mapping you just used! For more information see: http://github. ...
  • Simple-Sequence Simple Sequence diagram drawer
  • Sequence-Generator Simple interactive sequence generator written in Haskell as a programming exercise # Sequence Genrator This is another program for me to practice with Haskell. This time I implemented an old CS 31 specification I found online. The complete specification ...
  • em-sequence ... . So allows calls chaining with keeping the EventMachine multiplexing facility on. EventMachine Sequencer ====================== **em-sequence** provides third approach to [EventMachine][4] lightweight concurrency. Runs declared methods and blocks in ...
  • popcorn.sequence ... a callback at the 4th second in the sequence sequence.exec( 4, function() { }); // Listen for an event ... will fire on the currently active clip }); // TODO: Add sequence.listen() example ## For seamless playback, be sure to ...
  • sequence-stream Sequence stream library for Dylan
  • sequence ... option under the help menu will load an example sequence diagram. The text representation looks like (anObject aMethod aReturn ... the program. So java -Dzanthan.prefs=MyPrefs.properties -jar sequence.jar will save your preference changes to the MyPrefs. ...
  • p5-ai-gene-sequence AI::Gene::Sequence