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  • set.rar 对线段进行堆排序的算法,用于几何运算,可实现对端点进行进一步排序的双重排序功能,可用于线段运算
  • tiny15.rar ATtiny15L Instruction Set Summary.
  • events.rar ... .m: Matlab script to extract feature information from all acoustic and seismic event timeseries for a given run and set of nodes. * sfm_mlpatterngen.m: Matlab script to extract feature information from esmic event timeseries. * ml_train1.m: Matlab ...
  • TreeListV3.zip ... of a tree view, combined with a list view, for the Windows API. The view is compatible to the tree control of the common controls. It allows the user to set colors, text, and icons for each item separately. An MFC class for the view is also implemented.
  • levelsetbookpaper.rar 三篇level set 的经典论文 三本level set 的经典书籍
  • Jama-1.0.2.zip ... 组成:Matrix, CholeskyDecomposition , LUDecomposition QRDecomposition SingularValueDecomposition EigenvalueDecomposition . 它提供了广泛的构造函数,丰富的get,set访问子matrix和元素matrix. 基本的矩阵操作有:矩阵的加,乘,矩阵范数.和 ...
  • eqber_adaptive.rar This script runs a simulation loop for either a linear or a DFE equalizer. It uses the RLS algorithm to initially set the weights, then uses LMS thereafter to minimize execution time. It plots the equalized signal spectrum, then generates and plots BER ...
  • CommonARMInstructionSetAndCompilationOfDocumentsIs Common ARM instruction set and compilation of documents issued v1.0.12
  • Huffman.zip ... symbol appears in the data stream: 1) Create an array of N nodes, representing N possible symbols (ranging between 0 and N-1). 2) Set the value of each node to the number of times that its symbol appears in the data stream. 3) Create a Minimum-Heap of ...
  • opentiff-1_3_2-src.zip OpenTiff is an object-oriented interface to TIFF formated image files. Unlike other Tiff toolkits, it allows an arbitrary set of tags to be defined and used in a Tiff file.