Signal processing plays a central role of a truly enormous range of modem electronic systems. These include, for example, voice, data and video communication and storage systems medical imaging and diagnostic system radar, sonar and satellite remote ...
Matlab for Digital Signal Processing.
Over the past several decades the field of DSP has grown to be important both theoretically and technologically. A major reason for its success in industry is due to the development and use of low-cost software and ...
这里包括synthetic aperture radar signal processing with matlab algorithms 英文书以及附带源代码,书是全英文的,作者是Mehrdad Soumekh,书中有详细的雷达信号处理方法,附带程序中的成像算法包括一维距离像、条带式、聚束式等多种模式的SAR成像。可以作为有一定SAR基础的同行的编程参考。