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  • earth_simul.zip earth simulation 一个使用OpenGL在VC++环境下的编写3D地球仿真程序
  • OFDMsystemsimulation.rar OFDM系统仿真程序 是simulation and software radio for mobile communication上的程序来的哦
  • lmsmatlabsimulation.rar lms matlab simulation of szxhcl
  • Curvesimulation.rar VB 对实验数据进行仿真分析得到拟合曲线, a good simulation program
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  • OFDMA.Resource.Allocation.Simulations.c.zip This set of simulation files performs a computational complexity performance comparison of the two methods mentioned in the paper. The source is ANSI-C compliant, hence any C-compiler can be used to compile the source code. It has been tested using Visual ...
  • RayleighFadingon.rar RAYLEIGH FADING SIMULATION DOC格式的 希望对大家有用.
  • PCF_band.rar one dimensional PCF band simulation
  • UplinkSimulator.rar full wcdma simulation matlab code
  • WCDMA_Simulator_Manual.rar full wcdma simulation matlab code