Go To English Version 超过100万源码资源,1000万源码文件免费下载
  • SIPexplain.zip SIP协议消息应答代码解释详录,通知性应答,成功应答,转接应答...
  • SIP_ch.rar SIP Demystified 的中文译本
  • Sip_01.rar 中国电信的Sip通信流程第一卷, 包含了注册,邀请,挂断等很多的详细描述
  • ShellApiDemo.rar ShellApiDemo demonstrates some of the shell API s. It shows how to show/hide taskbars, menubars, and SIP buttons. It also shows how to use SHInitDialog for full screen dialogs, and use SHCreateMenuBar in different ways.
  • wxCommunicator.rar wxCommunicator基于sip的跨平台电话系统,目前不支持video
  • sipxtapi.rar sipxtapi基于sip的跨平台电话系统,目前不支持video
  • OUR-beta-05-02-2010.tar.gz VoiP call Recording solutions based on SIP message decoding
  • PC2PCMessenger.zip C#开发sip代码,使用第三方dll“Independentsoft.Sip.dll”的例子。
  • live.2010.07.29.tar.gz ... libraries for multimedia streaming, using open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP). These libraries - which can be compiled for Unix (including ... , and can also be used to build basic RTSP or SIP clients and servers, and have been used to add streaming ...
  • VoIPSIPJava.rar Some efforts have been made to integrate SIP-based VoIP with the XMPP specification. ... a public domain implementation of the JAVA Standard for SIP