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  • SimpleStudentDataBaseVB6.0.zip its a simple student database from a site
  • CFaq.rar this is a mirrored site c-faq. thought might need offline
  • mproxy12.zip ... Run the self-extracting file MPROXY12.EXE to install MultiProxy. The installation wizard will guide you through the install process. Please check our web site occasionally for updates. Several enhanced features are planned for future releases.
  • javanotes5.zip This "zip" archive contains a complete copy of the web site. It should be usable on almost any computer
  • useview.rar USB查看工具 USBDeview v1.25 Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008 Nir Sofer Web Site: http://www.nirsoft.net
  • country.rar If you d like to know where visitors to your site live, add this to your feedback forms. They just choose a region, and the second menu changes appropriately, allowing them to choose their country. (If they choose USA, it allows them to select their state ...
  • cd.zip ... with the book "Digital Processing of Synthetic Aperture Data" by Ian Cumming and Frank Wong, Artech House, 2005. On this web site, programs are provided in MATLAB to read the data and parameters from the CD. The structure of the programs is outlined ...
  • ZestawieniePolicyjnychSamochod.rar Collection of polish police speedcameras cars. Please enter site provided in documents for actual information.
  • VB6_Music_Library_grid.zip this is testing for this site
  • Addison.Wesley.Dojo.Using.the.Dojo.JavaScript.Lib ... (which is probably not a stretch if you are reading this book) and you are being encouraged to add some Ajax features to a site you’re working on. Maybe the originator of this request is your boss or your boss’s boss, who is not even sure what Ajax is ...