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  • xinit.rar The xinit is not intended for naive users. Instead, site administrators should design user-friendly scripts that present the desired interface when starting up X. The startx script is one such example. Note that the sample xinitrc file is NOT ...
  • BlobsDemo.zip these codes taken from matlab site
  • IISInfo.rar ASP.NET application that checks and displays security information of web site.
  • atlasmodalconfirm.zip ... latest version of the Atlas Control Toolkit at: http://www.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ProjectName=AtlasControlToolkit Once this is installed, choose File->Open Web Site within Visual Studio 2005 and point at this project directory .
  • LDPC-2006-02-08.tar.gz Software for LDPC codes. LDPC stands for Low Density Parity Check Codes. These codes are copy of the copy of the codes available on the site of reid fordneil
  • NavigationSystem.zip Navigation System is very easy to use and flexible dynamic site navigation system. You only need to configure your site menus and submenus at one place and insert one line of code in all of your website. As result you ...
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