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  • ftpkf.rar ... client that has the following features: * The Right pane (Remote view) accepts files from explorer and other applications * Uploading and downloading multiple files * A Convienent Site manager * Remote Folder creation * Remote File renaming and deletion
  • DdEdE.zip ... XML documents into a VC++ application.I made this class with the help of Tom Archer s source code found on the CodeGuru Web site. For my personal application, I need to be able to load, parse, and save an XML document. I performed many searches but only ...
  • JmailSample.zip This a one page form example that saves the form results to a text file, then sends an email to the customer and one to the site owner. Very handy. Fully customizable form fields and messages. Good for customer service form(3KB
  • Students-job-site.rar 大学生就业求职网涉及到四种身份:一般用户、学生,企业,管理员.每种身份操作起来都很方便,快捷.学生与企业注册后再登陆,然后才可以发布求职或是招聘信息,这些信息任何人或企业都可以查看,但是如果想给对方发送EMAIL,则心须是已经登陆的用户.这些学生,企业的基本信息都由管理员对其统一管理
  • Music-site-data-collectio.zip 音乐网站数据采集源码,全面采集音乐网站数据,值得学习
  • masonry-site.zip 网站瀑布流展示,利用ajax的异步请求机制
  • static-for-site-KPI.zip.zip 本程序用于网优人员对基站指标的每日查询,方便优化
  • Clothing-sales-site-.zip 服装销售网站,功能有购买商品,购物车,可以按商品查询,查询已购买的物品
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