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  • SML_080711_102_eng.zip Smart Message Language
  • SmartDeviceFramework14.rar Smart Device Framework 1.4的源码
  • chiffres.zip Examples of attacks that the BlackBerry Smart Card Reader security .... includes tools that users can use to download certificates and transfer them to the
  • CCM+TAASS.rar its about constant modulus algorithm for smart antenna with adaptive step size
  • CMA.rar its about constant modulus algorithm for smart antenna
  • interference2_CCM_snr.rar its about cunstrained constant modulus algorithm for smart antenna
  • interference2_CMA_snr.rar about constant modulus algorithm for smart antenna
  • interference2_snr_MASS.rar about constant modulus algorithm for smart antenna with adaptive step size
  • trainticket.rar this is for train ticketing system using smart card the card we used is eeprom card(24c04) and this card contains some amount.whenevr we insert this card into our system,this card is detected and amount is deducted according to destination
  • smart_battery_firmware.zip Application for Smart Battery with ATmega16HVA (one or two cell Li-Ion) * SBS commands management with Single Wire Uart bus.