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  • Smart-Thermostat.rar 烟叶烘烤过程温湿度报警系统 系统描述:在LCD1602上实时显示时钟,温度,湿度,系统运行时间。利用ds18b20 检测当前温度,通过和设定参数的比较,给ISD1420发出报警脉冲,通过 功率放大器LM386 驱动喇叭报警。
  • Freescale-Smart-5.27.rar 飞思卡尔单片机PID算法 有用的飞思卡尔程序设计
  • object.pdf.tar.gz ... program that knows how to perform certain actions and to interact with other pieces of the program. Functions have previously been described as "black boxes" that take an input and spit out an output. Objects can be thought of as "smart" black boxes.
  • cma.rar Simulation of constant modulus algorithm for smart antennas
  • android.rar This is document about mobile phone market. Now Android smart phone take the first place in mobile phone market.
  • qw.rar code for the main smart program
  • 55071451-cpriguidelines.zip CPRI Smart Energy Meter Design Guidelines for INDIAN Market.
  • DLMS-COSEM-Client-Object-Library-User-Manual.zip DLMS/COSEM Client Object Library User Manual, used for Smart Energy Meters Design with DLMS support.
  • AutoMemory.zip C++中的自动内存管理。利用的是smart pointer,通过引用计数,将垃圾自动处理。这只是一个简单的处理。