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  • Kalman2D.rar Simulate GPS tracking Object 2D and smooth its obits by Kalman filter.
  • sph_1d.rar smooth particle hydrodynamics计算
  • Lesson3.zip opengl实例给三角形和四边形添加2种不同类型的着色方法。使用单调着色(Flat coloring)给四边形涂上固定的一种颜色。使用平滑着色(Smooth coloring)将三角形的三个顶点的不同颜色混合在一起,创建漂亮的色彩混合。
  • Diffusion.zip the package contains some methods of diffusion filters to smooth the noisy images without losing important data such as edges in image analysis,including anisotropic diffusion(Perona-Malik), linear isotropic,median and Low Pass Gaussian filter.
  • smooth.rar 调用opencv库,采用平均滤波法实现图像的平滑化功能
  • smooth.rar 对一幅图像进行加噪声!例如:高斯噪声、椒盐噪声等等!
  • ImageSmooth.zip 建立一个MFC窗口,可读入任何图像,利用OPENCV,作出Smooth图像转换
  • Smooth.rar 对图像进行平滑处理,像各种滤波的方法,如均值滤波法、中值滤波法
  • sph1.zip The smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH), the diffuse element method (DEM), the element-free Galerkin method (EFGM), the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM), the moving-particle semi-implicit method (MPS) are among others. However, it seems that ...
  • Programming_smooth_source_opengl_program.rar opengl编程设计smooth源码程序Programming smooth source opengl program