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  • MicroSoft Smooth Streaming protocol 详细描述了微软 Smooth Streaming 协议。
  • 基于Gstreamer框架的smooth streaming协议的插件开发 ... ,我采用一种循序渐进的设计方法在Linux平台下实现基于GStreamer框架的smooth streaming通信协议的插件开发:首先,实现基本的网络通信协议开发;然后,实现smooth streaming协议通信;最后,分别实现基于GStreamer的smooth streaming的source元件和sink插件的设计开发。通过在海思数字机顶盒平台上测试,最终能够实现基于smooth streaming通信协议,通过GStreamer框架实现边下载媒体数据、边解析媒体数据, ...
  • Parameterization and smooth approximation of surface triangulati... 有关于将三角网格光滑逼近和参数化的实现方法, Parameterization and smooth approximation of surface triangulations
  • gtm218 Introduction to Smooth Manifolds by john lee gtm218 Introduction to Smooth Manifolds by john lee
  • Introduction to Smooth Manifolds John M. Lee 2ed pdf 光滑流形的经典教材,John.M.Lee写的 Introduction to Smooth Manifolds,pdf格式,学习流行学习的可能会用上。
  • C#实现 matlab smooth 的移动平滑滤波 C# 实现 yy = smooth(y) smooths the data in the column vector y using a moving average filter. Results are returned in the column vector yy. The default span for the moving average is 5. The first few elements of yy are given by yy(1) = y(1) yy(2) = (y(1) ...
  • matlab smooth 函数 C++ 源代码 matlab中smooth函数,改写成C/C++语句
  • 现代OpenGL+Qt:smooth和flat着色模式 现代OpenGL+Qt:smooth和flat着色模式,在Qt,通过现代OpenGL实现的flat着色模式的示例程序。详见博文:现代OpenGL+Qt学习笔记之九:smooth和flat着色模式
  • matlab的smooth()函数c++实现 matlab的smooth()函数用c++实现,经过测试结果相同。
  • Smooth Sync 3.01 ... the SmoothSync script to any game ob ject and watch it be smoooooth. We aimed to improve NetworkTransform on all fronts. Smooth Sync is more configurable, uses less bandwidth, has less overhead, and gives you smoother and more accurate syncing of your ...