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  • ksoap2-j2me-extras-2.1.2.rar kSOAP2是一个SOAP web service客户端包。主要用于资源受限制的Java环境如Applets或J2ME应用程序(CLDC/ CDC/MIDP)。
  • BankAccount.rar 在十种技术中,最重要的一种技术我想应该非XML莫属。这里不仅仅指XML规范本身,还包括一系列有关的基于XML的语言:主要有XHTML,XSLT,XSL,DTDs,XML Schema(XSD),XPath,XQuery和SOAP.如果你现在还对XML一无所知,那么赶快狂补吧!XML是包含类似于HTML标签的一个文本文件,在这个文件中定义了一个树型结构来描述它所保存的数据。
  • Animation.rar 在十种技术中,最重要的一种技术我想应该非XML莫属。这里不仅仅指XML规范本身,还包括一系列有关的基于XML的语言:主要有XHTML,XSLT,XSL,DTDs,XML Schema(XSD),XPath,XQuery和SOAP.如果你现在还对XML一无所知,那么赶快狂补吧!XML是包含类似于HTML标签的一个文本文件,在这个文件中定义了一个树型结构来描述它所保存的数据。
  • Programming_Web_Services_with_Perl.rar ... also a natural choice for web services development. It s the most popular web programming language, with strong implementations of both SOAP and XML-RPC, the leading ways to distribute applications using web services. But books on web services focus on ...
  • CodeProjectClient.zip ... this article, I am going to present a java client program that uses soap message to call the methods of this web service. My program is not a general java soap client, which means you cannot use it to call other web services ...
  • XmlSerializerDemo.rar 我自己开发的用于XML序列化和反序列化SOAP消息的源程序代码。
  • XMLandJava2ndEd.rar ... tools. Building upon this foundation, the book goes on to cover the latest technologies, including DOM Level 2, SAX2, XSLT, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. It explores the role of these major middleware technologies in XML and Java-based Web application development ...
  • PerlandXML.rar ... to legal contracts to books. However, XML has also proven itself to be indispensable for organizing and conveying other sorts of data as well, thus its central role in web services like SOAP and XML-RPC. As the Perl programming language was tailor-
  • SoapOne.rar SOAP在WebService中的运用,很不错的东东,和大家分享一下。
  • soapcpp.linux.2.1.6.zip linux下开发的soap协议。建议大家学习学习!