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  • sabao.rar chemistry of soap. use, preparetion and reactions
  • gsoap-2.7.tar.gz gSoap工具源代码,gSOAP编译工具提供了一个SOAP/XML 关于C/C++ 语言的实现,从而让C/C++语言开发web服务或客户端程序的工作变得轻松了很多。绝大多数的C++web服务工具包提供一组API函数类库来处理特定的SOAP数据结构,这样就使得用户必须改变程序结构来适应相关的类库。与之相反,gSOAP利用编译器技术提供了一组透明化的SOAP API,并将与开发无关的SOAP实现细节相关的内容对用户隐藏起来.
  • SoapUI.rar SOAP的简介,SOAPUI的简介以及使用说明,和指导书
  • mm7_soap.zip 彩信mm7协议及soap协议的研究,由mm7引起的HTTP协议的研究
  • Algorithm-Evolutionary-0.60.tar.gz Algorithm::Evolutionary provides classes for performing simple evolutionary computation tasks, including definition of objects from XML and SOAP support. It should be interoperable with other EC libraries using SOAP.
  • server2.zip Witsml Server example using soap format and a wsdl file. implementing addstore and getfromstore
  • XYSoapClientApp.zip 我的COM组件依赖于从Microsoft SOAP工具包3.0(您也可以选择使用SOAP工具包2.0)的SoapClient对象。 SoapClient对象本身是很简单的,但使用它在C + +程序 ...
  • releas_SoapSetting.rar ... for SOAP. SOAP is a lightweight protocol intended for exchanging structured information in a decentralized, distributed environment. SOAP uses XML technologies to define an extensible messaging framework, which provides a message construct that can be ...
  • WebWeather.rar webweather 运用soap message 技术与vc 访问 天气预报webservice 获得天气预报信息,试图解析xml
  • soapWsdl.rar webservice 例子 包括 适合于想了解soap简单对象协议的童鞋