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  • wdictcli[1].linux-0.2.0.tar.gz It provides a base of DICT web service ( similar to DICT rfc2229) and create relative applications (server side,client side), they are all SOAP based.
  • VCSoapClient_src.zip soap example
  • SimpleObjectAccessPr 简单对象访问协议(SOAP)介绍-
  • SOAPInDelphi5.zip 用delphi5实现SOAP通信
  • homermx.rar HomerMX is a message exchange service for wireless message formats such as SMS and MMS. HomerMX is a Web Services-based (SOAP/WSDL) gateway that is implemented in J2EE and runs under JBoss. It currently supports SMPP and Nokia s MMS.
  • SoapImplement.rar soap implemention demo
  • SOAPClient_src.zip 一个使用ms soap toolkit 3.0的soap客户端例子
  • SoapServer.rar 站长编写的测试soap的例子(配置、服务端和测试客户端),对初学soap编程很有用。
  • asp10113215.rar Supporting Live Development of SOAP and CORBA
  • CppSrv.rar Web Service using SOAP