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  • dossier.zip ... , it be-¨¤-statement a logical program resulting from non-classique logic. The goal first of this project is of d¨¦ terminer if a logical program is consisting or not of share the calculation of sound degr¨¦ d¡ ¯ inconsistance.
  • 51-sound.rar 用51编写的音乐播放程序,利用定时器改变扬声器的频率,其中有歌曲《童话》
  • snack2.2.2.zip Snack v2.2 - a sound toolkit for scripting languages
  • mpeg_movie-1.6.0.tar.gz These are all the utilities you need to generate MPEG-I movies on a UNIX box with full motion video and stereo sound. For more information on this unusual application of Linux, look in the docs directory or go to www.freeyellow.com/members4/heroine
  • SoundRec.zip Sound Card Audio Recorder samples
  • standardDESwithC.rar The DES sound code with C
  • Enemy_with_destructor.zip Program that creates an array of pointers to objects of type Enemy. Enemies move at random intervals. Colourfully illustrates use of destructor and sound track build in.
  • AddisonWesleyExceptionalC++.rar Exceptional C++ shows by example how to go about sound software engineering in standard C++. Do you enjoy solving thorny C++ problems and puzzles
  • gbcsrc.zip ... .cpp Gotodialog.dfm Gotodialog.h MapView.cpp MapView.dfm MapView.h Pal.cpp Pal.dfm Pal.h readme.txt reg.cpp reg.dfm reg.h rom.cpp rom.h Search.cpp Search.dfm Search.h Sound.cpp Sound.h TileView.cpp TileView.dfm TileView.h VALUE.CPP VALUE.DFM VALUE.H
  • DSRender.zip capture the webcam video and sound, use visual c++ 6.0 with directx9.0b