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  • MidiGen.rar TMidiGen is a MIDI component by Alan Warriner which allows the simple creation of sound effects and note sequences within an application without the need for external files or resources. TMidiGen achieves this by generating the MIDI data in memory.
  • TheCProgrammingLanguageKernighanRitchie.rar ... have been tested directly from the text, which is in machine-readable form. Besides showing how to make effective use of the language, we have also tried where possible to illustrate useful algorithms and principles of good style and sound design.
  • Applications_Of_Digital_Signal_Processing_To_Audio With the advent of multimedia, digital signal processing (DSP) of sound has emerged from the shadow of bandwidth-limited speech processing. Today, the main appli- cations of audio DSP are high quality audio coding and the digital generation and ...
  • tut-examples.rar Java样例程序集合:2D,applet,jdbc,sound,uiswing,
  • sound.rar 数字音频混响器设计 用于DSP实现,实现混音效果.
  • volumemeter_src.zip VolumeMeter (Managed DirectX) This project is a live volume meter control for monitoring audio levels from a sound card. It is written entirely in C#, and uses Microsoft s Managed DirectX (June release). You can drag-and-drop the control into any Windows ...
  • DSound_demo.rar 基于sound控件的播放器,与微软许多控件兼容
  • soundin.rar % this a experiment that input is done using the sound card %2003,6,3 %Usage:[second,voltage,frequency,magnitude]=soundin (VoiceFrequencyFactor,rate) % ...
  • AN023SW.zip Audio output from sound file for MCU.
  • sound.rar 一个语音报帐控件的源码,不是基于TTS引擎的。所以无需安装该引擎。 控件只有一个Path属性和一个Play方法,Path属性指出语音文件所在的目录,Play方法则为直接播放语音。具体播放的内容有Play方法传递的参数决定。 里面的WAV文件是语音文件,可以自己路径替换。