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  • HopfieldnetC++source.rar HopfieldnetC++source,Hopfield网络的原代码。C++代码
  • PCSX2_0.9.3.and.Plugins.Source.Code.zip 一个外国人写的PS2模拟器完整源码,想研究的朋友可以看一下,我在vc.net下编译成功。 原作者说明:This is the source code for the 0.9.3 release of the emulator and all available plugins.
  • PCSX2_0.9.3.Linux.32bit.Source.rar ... of PCSX2, a lot has changed since 0.8.1 but now its just as good as the windows version!! The build was compiled using Fedora Core 6, if you are experiencing random crashes, download the source and build a personal executable. Note: LINUX ONLY - 32bit
  • PCSX2_0.9.3.Linux.64bit.Source.rar ... of PCSX2, a lot has changed since 0.8.1 but now its just as good as the windows version!! The build was compiled using Fedora Core 6, if you are experiencing random crashes, download the source and build a personal executable. Note: LINUX ONLY - 64bit
  • source.zip Socket Programming Source codes
  • Source.rar 外国老写的vista风格的控件,很漂亮,压缩包里有源码和例子,还有说明,很详细,这个是source部分
  • source-code-13.rar C++ source code for database
  • source-code-14.rar C++ source code for database
  • espeak-1.29-source(2).zip 语音合成程序源代码,espeak 1.29 source code。text-to-speech。 语音合成程序源代码,espeak 1.29 source code。text-to-speech。
  • bf-C++source-2003.8-6.zip Bayesian Filtering Classe C++source