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  • svlib_pc.zip This class library contains more than 20 classes including feature extraction algorithms (MFCC, LPCC) and modeling techniques (HMM, GMM, DTW, VQ ) for automatic speech recognition and speaker verification
  • sbrecog1.zip Speech recognition demo for the Soundblaster (c) Johannes Kiehl, Trier 1993
  • recnet-1.3.tar.gz recnet is a complete speech recognition system for the DARPA TIMIT and Resource Management tasks. It uses recurrent networks to estimate phone probabilities and Markov models to find the most probable sequence of phones or words.
  • Delphi_TTS_1.rar 一个Delphi开发TTS的例子。 使用 Speech Control 适合Delphi初学者
  • Richey.ZIP Training embedded apps to process speech may be as easy as finding the right 8-bit micro. Don t let what Rodger has to say about using an ADPCM algorithm and PWM output to generate speech to go in one ear and out the other
  • 语音与图像的数字信号处理_0.rar 对于语音和图像的数字信号处理基本知识的介绍,对信号处理的各个基本知识可以有个大概的认识
  • g729语音压缩.rar 非常流行的c语言实现的g.729压缩算法,很值得研究语音压缩的开发者一看。
  • 关于tts语音引擎的使用方法.rar ... ,它们都使用了MSTTS(Microsoft Text To Speech)技术。微软遵照COM的标准, ... 安装了MSTTS和Spchapi软件包。   Speech API可以作为类型库引用到Delphi中 ... Import Type Litrary,点击“Add”加入Windows\Speech目录下的Vtxauto.tlb文件,在 ...  VoTxt:=CoVTxtAuto_.Create   VoTxt.Register(′′,′Speech Test′) {注册}   “Read”按钮代码为: ...
  • 基于ACELP算法的编解码.rar 本程序是基于ACELP算法编写的语音编解码程序,里面有两个程序例子,一个是编码程序,另一个是解码程序。
  • Speech_demo.zip 语音信号处理方面的源代码,简单的语音合成软件(text to speech)-