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  • G.723.1_2010_08_09.zip This package implements the ITU-T G.723.1 speech coder and decoder in Matlab. The goal of the package is to provide a well-documented and modular program that was designed to facilitate experimentation and research using a practical coder as a base.
  • LPC_fin_speech.zip 用线性预测编码进行语音压缩 - Speech compression using Linear Predictive Coding
  • training.rar this source code is for Training ,HMM for speech recognition
  • 04-speech-coding.zip Data Rates  Telephone quality voice:  8000 samples/sec, 8 bits/sample, mono  64Kb/s  CD quality audio:  44100 samples/sec, 16 bits/sample, stereo  ~1.4Mb/s  Communications channels and ...
  • WPF_4_Unleashed_2010.zip ... want to develop traditional user interfaces or integrate 3D graphics, audio/video, animation, dynamic skinning, multi-touch, rich document support, speech recognition, or more, WPF enables you to do so in a seamless, resolution-independent manner. WPF 4 ...
  • Digital_Speech_Signal_Processing_courseware.rar Digital Speech Signal Processing courseware,语音信号处理课件
  • tpapro_5.00.zip ... for Embarcadero/CodeGear Delphi for win32 targets. It provides direct access to serial ports, TAPI, and the Microsoft Speech API. It supports faxing, terminal emulation, VOIP, & more. This is a source-only release of TurboPower Async Professional ( ...
  • Applied.zip Applied Speech and Audio Processing-With Matlab Examples - Copy
  • sapi_lipsync_source.zip speech sdk 5.1,语音包,语音识别用得上
  • Visual_C_Programming_Text_to_Speech_classic_code.r Visual C 编程实现Text-to-Speech经典代码Visual C Programming Text-to-Speech classic code