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  • picwind_install_v_0.21_100702.zip PicWind是一款简易的基于Php的开源相册程序,主要用于备份,分享照片。采用Php/Sqlite构架搭建,可以自定义风格,支持打包上传下载,保留原始图片自动生成缩略图等特性。可以方便的管理,备份,分享图片。
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  • Using_SQLite_with_C.zip Using SQLite with C program....
  • cwcli_src.zip CipherWall Client, code to work with sockets, sqlite database and CA realization: - RSA 2048-4096 bit - digit auth on RSA - 3-step cert auth - Blowfish in CFB mode (448 bit) - SHA-256 и SHA-512 - HMAC on base SHA-256 - random-digit genereator ANSI ...
  • safecli_src.zip CipherWall Client, code to work with sockets, sqlite database and CA realization: - RSA 2048-4096 bit - digit auth on RSA - 3-step cert auth - Blowfish in CFB mode (448 bit) - SHA-256 и SHA-512 - HMAC on base SHA-256 - random-digit genereator ANSI ...
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  • SQLITE3.1.rar SQLite数据库操作的C++封装类.功能强大,值得借鉴!