资源说明:The tiniest web-framework, ever.
# The Hack API # WARNING!!! WARNING!!! WARNING!!! THIS DOCUMENT IS NOTHING MORE THAN A BRAINSTORMING SESSION! FOR ACTUAL API USAGE PLEASE REFER TO spec/hack_spec.rb AND example-app/blog.rb (and on another note, when it's finished, which should be soon, i'll update this all a-nicey for you'se wanting to hack away at/with hack) ## Basic GET using #uri: ## Hack.app do uri (or map or get? maybe get...) '/' do 'Hello World' end end ## GET/POST/PUT/DELETE: ## Hack.app do get('/') { 'You got me' } post('/') { 'You posted me' } put('/') { 'You put me' } delete('/') { 'You deleted me' } end (Possible) alternative syntax: Hack.app do uri '/' do get { 'You got me' } post { 'You posetd me' } put { 'You put me' } delete { 'You deleted me' } end end ## Running an app on port 4000: ## @app = Hack.app { url('/') { 'Hello World!' } } @app.run! :port => 4000 Alternative syntax: Hack.run!(:port => 4000) { url('/') { 'Hello World!' } } ## Serving a path (+ performance awesome for Apache/Lighttpd/Nginx): ## Hack.app do serve 'images' # mounts images using Rack::DirHandler serve 'music', :via => :x_send_file # uses x-sendfile (Apache/Lighttpd) serve 'video', :via => :x_acell_redirect # uses x-acell-redirect (Nginx) end ## Redirecting requests (w/ permanent + temporary options): ## Hack.app do uri('/') { 'Welcome home.' } url('/go-home-for-a-bit') { redirect '/', :temporarily } uri('/go-home-forever') { redirect '/', :permanently } end ## 404, 500, + custom status rendering: ## Hack.app do uri('/404') { 404 } uri('/500') { 500 } uri('/custom-404') { 'Page not found.', 404 } uri('/custom-500') { 'Error, damnit!', 404 } end ## Turning off threading: ## Hack.app :threaded => false do uri '/' do sleep 10 # will block other requests for 10 seconds end end ## Including custom modules for the 'actions' to use: ## module OurTemplateEngine def render_template(template) "You rendered #{template}!" end end Hack.app do include OurTemplateEngine uri '/' do render_template 'home' # returns "You rendered home!" end end ## Using regex capture groups in uri definitions, as paramaters, this rules: ## Hack.app do uri '/user/(\w+)', :as => :users_hompeage do |username| "Welcome to #{username}'s page." end uri '/user/(\w+)/edit' do |username| "Trying to edit #{username}'s profile, eh?" end end ## These TODOs are listed by priority: ## * TODO: Working with sessions. They'll be cookie based, stolen form Rails :) auto-generates a secret to ./.hack-secret, uses that, rather than having to specify your own. * TODO: accessing request/response/session/params, via an OpenStruct * TODO: Nice exception handling * TODO: access.log, error.log * TODO: Filters, somehow... * TODO: Nesting uri's, is this even a good idea?