How to get LovdByLess up and running * Lovd runs on Ruby on Rails, so first you need to get rails running. Go download rails (http://rubyonrails.org/down) and follow it's instructions to get rails running. * The directions in this README file assume some knowledge of rails, but I'll go through it a bit here first. * The first thing to do is install the ruby gems that are required. For each gem listed in the README, at the command line, do something like "gem install [gem name]" or "sudo gem install [gem name]". * The next thing to do is set up your database (steps 1-4 in the README). Lovd is setup to use MySQL by default, so just follow the instructions in the README and configure the files for your computer. * Skip step 5. * Now setup global variable (site name and url and stuff) (steps 6-13) and change the (r)html and css to suit your taste. * In dev mode, search (steps 14-16) should work right out of the box (assuming you install the gems). The search instructions are really for a production environment. * Start lovd with the typical "./script/server" and point your browser to "http://localhost:3000". Instructions: Quick Setup (currently for non-Windows users only - due to ferret gem issues): 1. Edit config/database.yml.tmp to reflect the database names you would like to use. 2. Edit config/environments/production.rb so asset_host reflects the name of the production asset server 3. cp config/database.yml.tmp config/database.yml 4. rake lovdbyless:getting_started 5. rake test 6. See step #6 below to continue setup (near "Setup default values") The getting_started rake task will install all required gems, create the databases in database.yml, and migrate the development and test databases. Manual Setup: Install the Required Gems: - youtube-g - rflickr - uuidtools - colored - hpricot - tzinfo - mocha - redgreen - RedCloth - rmagick (will require ImageMagick, which is not a gem) - acts_as_ferret - ferret - win32console (windows only) - avatar (version 0.0.5 or greater) TIPS: Installing ferret on Windows 1. Running gem install ferret does not work. Instead, download the gem directly from http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=1028 2. Download file: ferret-0.11.6-mswin32.gem 3. From the directory you downloaded the gem to: gem install ferret-0.11.6-mswin32.gem Installing ImageMagick and RMagick See these posts for tips: http://b.lesseverything.com/2007/9/26/installing-imagemagick-and-rmagick-on-mac-os-x http://www.randycullom.com/chatterbox/archives/2006/12/installing_imag.html Setup the databases: 1. Edit config/database.yml.tmp to reflect the database names you would like to use. 2. cp config/database.yml.tmp config/database.yml 3. rake db:create:all 4. rake mig a=no All tests pass: 5. rake Setup default values: 6. Edit config/initializers/exception_notifier.rb 7. Edit the config/environment.rb file and change the config.action_controller.session data 8. Edit config/environments/development.rb and production.rb to suit your tastes. (Specifically config.action_mailer.delivery_method) 9. Change the values in config/initializers/global_variables.rb to match your site and domain. (Specifically SITE_NAME, SITE, MAILER_TO_ADDRESS, MAILER_FROM_ADDRESS, REGISTRATION_RECIPIENTS) 10. Go to the section "About flickr integration" and follow the steps to either use flickr or not. 11. Edit public/404.html, public/500.html, app/views/account_mailer/* 12. Edit application.css to suite your tastes. 13. Edit app/views/home/terms. Configure Ferret: 14. Feel free to replace ferret with the search engine of your choice. 15. Acts_s_ferret home page: http://projects.jkraemer.net/acts_as_ferret/wiki. 16. We recommend using the drb server as described here: http://projects.jkraemer.net/acts_as_ferret/wiki/DrbServer. Start Lovd By Less: 17. ./script/server 18. Go to the home page http://localhost:3000 19. Go to the signup page and create an account. 20. Go into the database and turn the is_admin flag to true on your new account. About flickr integration If you WANT to have flickr integration in your Lovd By Less project, follow these setup instructions: 1. Go http://flickr.com/services/api/keys/apply/ to apply for a flickr api key. 2. Copy the Key and Secret into config/initializers/flickr.rb 3. From the command line, run "ruby script/authorize_flickr.rb" and follow the instructions. This stores the flickr auth stuff into config/flickr.cache. If you add this cache file to your source control, then you shouldn't have to repeat this in production. Alternatively, you can get a different key for production, if you'd like. If you DO NOT WANT to have flickr integration in your Lovd By Less project, follow these setup instructions: 1. Delete line 15 from app/controllers/profiles_controller.rb [@flickr = @profile.flickr_username.blank? ? [] : flickr_images(flickr.people.findByUsername(@profile.flickr_username))] 2. Delete lines 22-35 in app/views/profiles/_public.html.erb Is there a google group for this project? Yes. It can be found here: http://groups.google.com/group/lovdbyless How to change the page a user is redirected to after login or singup: In AccountController.rb, look for lines that contain: redirect_back_or_default home_path and change either home_path to the path you want to send them to, or change redirect_back_or_default to redirect_to, or both. Why is public/javascripts/less_routes.js always modified and needing to be checked in? I swear I didn't touch it. less_routes.js is automatically generate when your app starts. Any changes to this app will be lost the next time it's generated.