资源说明:Simple linker hack for changing paths used by game
libAPH.so is simple linux linker hack that allows store auteria configuration files, logs, etc... in user home directory As hack it doesn't actually do sane things by definition, so things may break, but "It works for me" TM. You have been warned! It still wont allow you make auteria directory readonly. It requires libpcre (http://www.pcre.org/) To use it just type: $ git clone git://github.com/piotrrak/auteria-path-hack.git $ cd auteria-path-hack/ $ make $ cp libAPH.so /your/path/to/auteria/ $ mkdir "~/.auteria/" To run game you want to do something like: $ cd /your/path/to/auteria/ $ LD_PRELOAD=./libAPH.so ./auteria.bin Files that will be stored in your auteria home dir (~/.auteria/): `game/client/config.cs' as `config.cs' `game/client/prefs.cs' as `prefs.cs' `console.log' `log/YourCharName/chat.log` as `YourCharName@chat.log' `log/YourCharName/questlog.cs` as `YourCharName@questlog.cs' `log/YourCharName/*.qlog` as `YourCharName@*.qlog' also screenshots_*.{png, jpg} should be created there Note: That those files won't be moved automagicly, so you have to do it manually! Example: if you wont $ cp /your/path/to/auteria/log/_name_/chat.log ~/.auteria/_name_@chat.log in ~/.auteria/ will be created plain new empty chat.log Caveat 1: This seems to have some problems with questlog.cs and *.qlog, I recommend to move them. Caveat 2: Game might be running slower, i dont see much difference on machines i have tested. Caveat 3: It is not deeply tested. You are also able override default directory by setting LIBABH_CONFIG_LOCATION environment variable. For more informations bug me, or refer to sources. Have fun!