资源说明:External Video management plugin.
ActsAsVideoclub =============== Allows for videos to be added to any model, with a helper for showing them on views Right now it supports Google Videos, Dailymotion, YouTube and Vimeo APIs, but adding additional sources is something trivial. == Resources Install * Run the following command: script/plugin install git://github.com/linkingpaths/acts_as_videoclub.git * Generate migration: ruby script/generate acts_as_videclub_migration == Usage * Make your ActiveRecord model act as videoclub. class Flat < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_videoclub end Now you have the relationship: has_many :videos, :as => :resource and method: has_videos? * Add a video video = @flat.videos.build(params[:video][:source_url]) unless params[:video][:source_url].blank? or something like this video = Video.new(:source_url => params[:video][:source_url], :title => params[:video][:title], :resource => @flat) video.save * Show a video embeded video_embed_code(@flat.videos.first, options) Options accepted: width, height == More http://github.com/linkingpaths/acts_as_videoclub http://github.com/linkingpaths/acts_as_videoclub/wikis Copyright (c) 2008-2020 Linking Paths, released under the MIT license