资源说明:Push jobs into starling
= Simplified Starling This plugin was coded to define an easy way to push jobs into Starling, log queues and daemonize the unqueue process. == Installing Starling Required gems. $ sudo gem install memcache-client $ sudo gem install SyslogLogger $ sudo gem install eventmachine You can follow these steps to build starling from source. $ git clone git://github.com/starling/starling.git $ cd starling $ gem build starling.gemspec $ sudo gem install -l starling*.gem You can install starling from the gem server. $ gem sources -a http://gems.github.com (you only have to do this once) $ sudo gem install starling-starling Note: Installing starling from the gem server is still not working. == Installing this plugin Install this Rails plugin as usual. script/plugin install git://github.com/fesplugas/simplified_starling.git After installing the plugin you'll find a configuration file on the config folder of your Rails application named +starling.yml+. development: host: port: 22122 pid_file: /tmp/starling.pid queue_path: /tmp timeout: 0 syslog_channel: starling-tampopo log_level: DEBUG daemonize: true queue: app_development Note: If you don't use the `script/plugin install` to install the plugin configuration files will not be created. From the root folder of your Rails application run the following command to create them. $ rake simplified:starling:setup === How it works? With +starling+ installed in your machine you can start/stop/restart Starling by running. $ rake simplified:starling:start $ rake simplified:starling:stop $ rake simplified:starling:restart Once Starling is being started you can start processing jobs. $ rake simplified:starling:start_processing_jobs You can start Starling and start processing jobs by ... $ rake simplified:starling:start_and_process_jobs If you want to stop processing jobs ... $ rake simplified:starling:stop_processing_jobs You can put anything into Starling, but after using Starling on a couple of projects I've seen I use always the same hash for storing the jobs. This will push into the queue the task +test_rendering+ which belongs to a model. ## # From a model/controller # newsletter = Newsletter.find(params[:id]) newsletter.push('test_rendering') => STARLING.set('app', { :type => 'Newsletter', :id => 1, :task => 'test_rendering' }) You can even push a class task into the queue. This will push into the queue the task +recalculate+ which belongs to a model. ## # From a model/controller # Stock.push('recalculate') => STARLING.set('app', { :type => 'Stock', :task => 'recalculate' }) To view queue stats ... $ rake simplified:starling:stats Processed jobs are logged. $ tail -f log/development_starling.log $ tail -f log/production_starling.log === Log Each time a job is pushed and popped to the queue is logged. [2008-06-30 11:06:03] Pushed dispatch order [2008-06-30 11:06:03] Popped dispatch order If database connection goes down or dies after a few hours of inactivity database connection will be restored and job will be processed. [2008-06-30 11:06:42] Pushed rebuild Page 3 [2008-06-30 11:06:42] WARNING Database connection gone, reconnecting & retrying. {:type=>"Order", :task=>"dispatch", :id=>nil} [2008-06-30 11:06:44] Popped rebuild Page 3 If the record you're trying to process is removed from the database before the queue is processed you'll see a warning on the logs. [2008-06-30 11:06:50] Pushed rebuild Page 3 [2008-06-30 11:06:50] WARNING Page#3 gone from database. === Example 1 Push a +newsletter+ job into +starling+. ## # app/controllers/typus/newsletters_controller.rb # class Typus::NewslettersController < TypusController def test_deliver Newsletter.find(params[:id]).push('test_rendering') flash[:notice] = "Newsletter added to queue." redirect_to :back end def deliver Newsletter.find(params[:id]).push('deliver') flash[:notice] = "Newsletter added to queue." redirect_to :back end end ## # app/models/newsletter.rb # class Newsletter < ActiveRecord::Base def test_rendering ## # Your long-running task to deliver newsletter to test rendering # in diferent email readers. end def deliver ## # Long running task to deliver newsletter ... # end end === Example 2 Confirm an +order+ payment and push into +starling+ an stock recalculation job. ## # app/controllers/payments_controller.rb class PaymentsController < ApplicationController def confirm @order = Order.find_by_token(params[:token]) @order.confirm_payment flash[:notice] = "Thanks for your purchase!" redirect_to :action => 'thanks' end end ## # app/models/order.rb class Order < ActiveRecord::Base def confirm_payment OrderMailer.deliver_payment_confirmation(order) Stock.push('recalculate') end end ## # app/models/stock.rb class Stock < ActiveRecord::Base def self.recalculate ## # A long running operation ... # end end == Acknowledgments - Blaine Cook, Twitter Inc. for this nice queue system. Copyright (c) 2008 Francesc Esplugas Marti, released under the MIT license