文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Collection of libraries for ATS
ats-libs is a collection of general purpose libraries and interfaces to c libraries.


    Individual Libraries

    All Libraries

  STEP 2: Installing
    Move or softlink the ats-libs directory directly under your ATSHOME directory.

For sepecific API documentation and usage instructions please refer to the files in 
the doc directory and the README file for the library you are intrested in. However
general usage is detailed below.

Static files are located in /SATS so to include in your ats programs.
  staload "ats-libs//SATS/.sats
Dynamic files are located in /DATS so to include in your ats programs.
  dynload "ats-libs//DATS/.dats
CATS files are located in /CATS so to include in your ats programs.
  %{ #include "ats-libs//DATS/.cats %}
Specific libraries my require additional loads, refer to library specific documentation 
for details. Libraries can be used as true static or shared libraries or be emebeded 
directly in your ats programs. 

Shared and static mode

Using libraries as shared or static generally on requires loading the static files in your 
ats programs. When building your ats program you must reference the library in your linking 

atscc -L$(ATSHOME)/ats-libs//lib -lats_ 

If the library you are bulding is a wrapper library or had dependencies of external 
libraries they must also be included in the linker params. Your programs will be build 
using the shared library unless you specificaly direct the use of the shared library by 
specifying --static in your linker params.

To run your program the dependent shared libraries must be in your library search path. 
You can accomplish this by adding it to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH as show below or the libraries 
can be moved to a location already on your search path.
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ATSHOME/ats_libs//lib
For specific require ments refer to the README file for the library you are intrested in.

Embeded mode
To use the libraries in embeded mode the CATS and DATS files must also be included in your 
programs. Additionally any dependent libraries must be included in your linker params.For 
specific require ments refer to the README file for the library you are intrested in.

Usage Examples:
Refer to the files in the test directory under each library for examples of usage of the 
libraries. Also for help on building refer to the Makefiles.  

 Mike Maul (mike  maul  gmail  com)
