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资源说明:A rails plugin for using google vizualisation API

The original blog post:

GoogleVizualisation allows you to use Google Vizualisations in your rails application easily.
More information about the different available vizualisations can be found here:
More information about the API:

Available charts

Currently the following charts are supported:
- AnnotatedTimeline (as in google finance)
- AreaChart
- ImageAreaChart
- BarChart
- ImageBarChart
- ColumnChart
- Gauge
- IntensityMap
- LineChart
- ImageLineChart
- MotionChart
- PieChart
- ImagePieChart
- ScatterChart

More support for other available charts/vizualisations to come.  Feel free to help ;-)


in your application's vendor/plugins: git clone git://


1. Start by including <%= google_vizualisation_include_tag %> into the  of your application (in application.html.erb or any other layout.)
2. Create any kind of chart (all available charts can be found in google_vizualisation/lib/google_charts directory) in your controller/action i.e.:

@scatter_chart =
  :width => 400, :height => 240,
  :titleX => 'Age', :titleY => 'Weight',
  :legend => 'none', :pointSize => 5

Note: width and height params are mandatory; they will be passed to the javascript object as well as the 
where the chart is embeded. 3. Add columns to your chart (each column needs a name and a type. Available types are: Float(a number), String, Date). @scatter_chart.add_column("Age",Float) @scatter_chart.add_column("Weight",Float) NOTE: order MATTERS when adding columns to a chart. 4. Add values to the columns: @scatter_chart.add_values("Age",[8,4,11,4,3,6.5]) @scatter_chart.add_values("Weight",[12,5.5,14,5,3.5,7]) As you can see, each column is identified by its name, so name MUST be unique. 5. Add your newly created chart to the corresponding view by including: <%= google_vizualisation_tag(@scatter_chart) %> 6. You're all set. The previous lines of code will generate the following Javascript into your view:
Copyright (c) 2008 Philippe Legrain, released under the MIT license
