资源说明:ical2rem.rb converts iCalendar files to the Remind calendar syntax
ical2rem.rb =========== Author: Patrick HofCopyright: Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Hof License: GPLv3 Download: git clone https://github.com/courts/ical2rem.rb.git YARD docs: [http://courts.github.com/ical2rem.rb](http://courts.github.com/ical2rem.rb) `ical2rem.rb` is based on the Perl program [`ical2rem.pl`](http://wiki.43folders.com/index.php/ICal2Rem) by Justin B. Alcorn . It converts an _iCalendar_ file's `VEVENT` and `VTODO` components to [_Remind_](http://www.roaringpenguin.com/products/remind) syntax. You should be able to use it as a drop-in replacement for `ical2rem.pl` with only minor modifications. The command line client which comes with ical2rem.rb is called `ical2rem-cli` and can be found in the `/bin` directory. Installation ============ `ical2rem.rb` requires [RiCal](http://ri-cal.rubyforge.org/) You can install it with RubyGems: gem install ri_cal `ical2rem.rb` itself has a gemspec file, so you can easily build a gem and install it with: gem build ical2rem.rb.gemspec gem install ical2rem.rb-x.x.x.gem Besides that, no further installation steps are required. Note that ical2rem.rb only works with ruby 1.9, not 1.8. Usage ===== You can get usage information by running `ical2rem-cli` with the `-h` switch: Usage: ical2rem-cli [options] < input-file [> output-file] --label LABEL Calendar name --lead-time LEAD Advance minutes to start reminders --heading HEADING Define a priority for static entries -t, --todos Process TODOs? -c, --config-file FILE Use config file FILE (default: .ical2rem.yaml) -d, --debug Show debug info -h, --help Show this help The configuration file (default `.ical2rem.yaml`) further explains the options you can supply. `ical2rem-cli` will read any iCalendar file parseable by RiCal from `STDIN` and print its output to `STDOUT`. Overview ======== `ical2rem.rb` was mainly written because `ICal::Parser`, the iCal parsing library `ical2rem.pl` uses, bailed out on my 64bit Ubuntu I was using at the time. Also, `ical2rem.pl` does not support showing starting and ending times of events. The first version used Sam Roberts' vPim, but since it didn't work well with Ruby 1.9 for some time, I decided to switch to RiCal. Events ------ `ical2rem.rb` parses iCalendar `VEVENTs` in a similar way to `ical2rem.pl`, but it will also recognize `TIME-DATE` values in `DTSTART` and `DTEND` and add them to the output by using remind's `DURATION` property. ToDos ----- Like `ical2rem.pl`, `ical2rem.rb` also parses iCalendar `VTODOs`. Unlike `ical2rem.pl`, `ical2rem-cli` will not parse them by default, parsing has to be enabled with the command line switch '-t'. At the moment, the same simple approach to parsing as in `ical2rem.pl` is used. This may improve in future versions. Bug Reports / Feature Requests / Patches ---------------------------------------- Please send bug reports to my e-mail address given above. Adding `[BUG ical2rem.rb]` to the subject will greatly increase your chance of not getting stuck in my spam filter. The same goes for feature requests, including `[FEATURE ical2rem.rb]` would be nice. For patches, please send them as git patches formatted with `git-format-patch -n` if possible. Make sure they commit cleanly against the current `master` branch. Otherwise, at least include `[PATCH ical2rem.rb]` in your subject. Contributors ------------ * [Christian G. Warden](https://github.com/cwarden) Thanks ------ * [Justin B. Alcorn](http://www.jalcorn.net/) for writing `ical2rem.pl` * Rick DeNatale for [RiCal](http://ri-cal.rubyforge.org) * Sam Roberts for [vPim](http://vpim.rubyforge.org)