资源说明:A combined runtime/static code-analysis tool, that can trace parameter types
phpweaver === [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/AJenbo/php-tracer-weaver.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/AJenbo/php-tracer-weaver) [![Codacy Badge](https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/cc2ad72a9e4c47a9bbc84037a29857a8)](https://www.codacy.com/app/AJenbo/php-tracer-weaver?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=AJenbo/php-tracer-weaver&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade) [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/412a2f0203c7ed255bee/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/AJenbo/php-tracer-weaver/maintainability) [![BCH compliance](https://bettercodehub.com/edge/badge/AJenbo/php-tracer-weaver?branch=master)](https://bettercodehub.com/) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/AJenbo/php-tracer-weaver/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/AJenbo/php-tracer-weaver?branch=master) **phpweaver** is a tool for analysing parameter types in PHP code, using a combination of static and runtime analysis. It relies on the [xdebug extension](http://www.xdebug.org/docs/execution_trace) to trace function calls. The result of the analysis can then be used to generate docblock comments, with the proper type annotations. Usage --- The basic usage of phpweaver is to write a piece of code (If you have unit tests/examples, they would be a good candidate), that utilises the code to manipulate. Run this example with the tracer, then use weaver to generate docblocks from the trace. See the `example/` folder for a basic example. The project has two main commands: * `trace` * `weave` `trace` --- This is just a wrapper around php + xdebug. Use it in lieu of `php` to execute a php script. It will run normally, but the code is traced and the output is dumped in `dumpfile.xt`. You can also manually configure xdebug to generate the tracefile. Sample usage: phpweaver trace test.php If your script requires it's own paremeter you can stop paramerter pasing in bash with the double dash: phpweaver trace -- vendor/bin/phpunit "-c phpunit.xml" `weave` --- This command takes a dumpfile (Generated by the trace process) and a php-source path (directory or file), and injects docblock comments into the php-source, using the type-information from the trace. It will look for `dumpfile.xt` in the current directory, or a trace file specifyed using the --tracefile option, printing the modified file to stdout. Sample usage: phpweaver weave somelibrary.php The same dumpfile can be used to weave multiple files, by specifying a folder or multiple paths. Running tests --- There is a Dockerfile for getting an environment up and running. First install docker somehow, then issue: docker build -t phpweaver . docker run -it phpweaver This will log you in to the machine. Run tests with: phpunit For development, you will probably want to mount the repo into the container, so run it like this: docker run -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/usr/src/app phpweaver Any changes you make inside the container will now be reflected on your host system.