资源说明:Turtle Shell v2. A rewrite of my original great-tasting SneezyMUD perl shell client. Includes current friendly/reference original script (monolithic).
Turtle Shell v2 Testing Copy git@github.com:topromulan/sneezy-client-test.git Copyright(c) 2003-2009 By Dale R. Anderson # # I'm glad you found this and contact me here or MUDMail to Day in-game # if you would like to test or contribute. # This is the work-in-progress modularized SneezyMUD client. Testers would want to familiarize themselves with v1 which is included oldversion_ref_copy.pl For old version playing/learning or new version testing will be required some Perl Modules: Net/Telnet Term/ReadKey The Turtle Shell client makes no concessions for Windows users; but I believe if you get Cygwin libraries installed on Windows and use the Cygwin terminal, it would play just fine with that. I'm willing to work with you to get that working - feel free to get in touch. I intend to split this project at some point for the Sneezy Client to use Sneezy Client codes directly and be a general Perl shell framework on the other fork. For new version development testing, launch testserver.sh in one window and run trycode.bat in another window. Screenshot.png shows an example of using testserver.sh for testing For live testing and connect to the MUD execute "./trycode.bat live" Adjust the squelch with #squelch for your level of playing or testing The test server is just a shell script using tcputils, got out of Ubuntu repositories as package just that (tcputils), looks like http://freshmeat.net/projects/tcputils # # "Be excellent to each other. And, .. # PARTY ON, DUDES!" #