资源说明:Archive of old ora-graph example code
O'Reilly Connection Grapher =============================== Feedback: tobrien@discursive.com Requirements: Python 2.4 Firefox (or Mozilla or Deer Park) ClientCookie GraphViz Note: This script has been tested on both Windows and Linux. 1. This program relies on CookieClient to deal with Cookies and handle the meta-refresh tags involved in the login process. Download and install version 1.0.3 of CookieClient from the CookieClient project page listed below: http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/ClientCookie/ 1.5. Download and install Graphviz. http://www.graphviz.org/Download.php 2. IMPORTANT: This script needs to authenticate with the O'Reilly network. If you take a look at your cookie cache after logging into an O'Reilly network site you will see a number of cookies that all play a part in authentication and access control. So, instead of writing some nasty Python script to handle cookies, gendot uses ClientCookie to piggyback on the Mozilla cookies.txt --> You must change config.py to point to your own cookies.txt file --> AND, you must log in to the O'Reilly Connection site to put the apropriate cookies in your cookies.txt file. 3. Change config.py - If you go to the Connection site, and view your own FOAF document, you'll see that you have been assigned a Connection userId. Please change centralUserId and rootDudeNick to our id and your name. 4. In config.py, maxLevel is set to 2, increase this to 3 at your own peril, and only increase it beyond 3 if you have the express permission of O'Reilly. 5. Run the script like this: python gendot.py 6. Once the script runs, you'll have a file named "foaf.neato". To render this file simply run: neato -Tgif foaf.neato That's it. Here are some ideas: - Mess with the preamble and the epilouge in config.py. Read up on graphviz and learn about the many different graphs you can make. - Figure out how to authenticate to ORA network without that cookie nastiness. Me, I'd just prefer config.py hold a username and password and we just use simple BASIC auth. Tim O'Brien tobrien@discursive.com