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资源说明:Radiant Extension for the Sphinx full text search engine using the Ultrasphinx Plugin
Ultrasphinx Search Radiant Extension


An extension by [Aissac][aissac] that adds Sphinx support to [Radiant CMS][radiant].

[Ultrasphinx search][uss] extension indexes the title and content of every page with a field boost applied to title. Note that your database is never changed by anything this extension does.


### Installing Sphinx

First, obviously you need to install the Sphinx Engine itself. You can get it [here][0.9.8]. We used the [0.9.8][0.9.8] version. Unpack the run:

    ./configure --with-mysql
    sudo make install

### Installing Ultrasphinx Rails plugin

Ultrasphinx has one gem dependency, the chronic gem

    sudo gem install chronic
Then proceed to install the [ultrasphinx plugin][usplugin] into your radiant project. We're using git submodules to install plugins:

    git submodule add git://github.com/fauna/ultrasphinx.git vendor/plugins/ultrasphinx
Ultrasphinx features out-of-the-box compatibility with [will_paginate][wp] which can be used as gem or git submodule. You need to either: sudo gem install mislav-will_paginate --source http://gems.github.com or git submodule add git://github.com/mislav/will_paginate.git vendor/plugins/will_paginate ### Installing the Ultrasphinx Search Radiant Extension At last, you need the [Ultrasphinxsearch][uss] Extension git submodule add git://github.com/aissac/ultrasphinx_search.git vendor/extensions/ultrasphinx_search Now, the tricky part, configuring ultrasphinx. First, copy the `vendor/plugins/ultrasphinx/examples/default.base` file to `config/ultrasphinx/default.base`. This file sets up the Sphinx daemon options such as port, host, and index location. mkdir config/ultrasphinx cp vendor/plugins/ultrasphinx/examples/default.base config/ultrasphinx/default.base You need to edit `config/ultrasphinx/default.base` and make two changes: 1. edit the line `<% path = "/opt/local/var/db/sphinx/"%>` and change it to the path where you want ultrasphinx to store the index and log files. 2. find the line that says `html_strip=0` and change it to `html_strip=1` because you wouldn't want Sphinx to index the HTML or Radius tags. The [Ultrasphinx search][uss] Extension indexes the title and content of every page, so you don't need to worry about setting up indexes. It also gives a higher weight to the page title. In your project root you need to create an `app/models` folder. mkdir -p app/models Now, you're ready to start using Sphinx on your Radiant project. Run: rake ultrasphinx:configure # rebuild the configuration file rake ultrasphinx:index # reindexe and rotate all indexes rake ultrasphinx:daemon:start # start the search daemon Further documentation on getting ultrasphinx working can be found [here][evanweaver] or [here][insoshi]. Usage === Configuration --- You must define a page with the page type of `Ultrasphinx Results`. On this page you need to create a page part, named `sphinx` where you can configure the Sphinx results. The options are: excerpt: true before_match: '' after_match: '' chunk_separator: '...' limit: 256 around: 3 per_page: 10 ### Available Tags * See the “available tags” documentation built into the Radiant page admin for more details. * Use `` and `` to render only if there are results. * Use `` to iterate over the results. * Use `` to display the highlighted results. * Use `` to display the will_paginate pagination links. ### Example Build the search form like this, where the action points to the Ultrasphinx Results page. The text field must have the name attribute set to `query`:
Note that you must set the `action` of the form to match the URL of the `Ultrasphinx Results` page defined earlier. On the Ultrasphinx Results page:

There are no results

Known issues === A problem with Ultrasphinx is that it does not support delta indexing as it should be, meaning that there is no indexing on the after_save callback, so you need to manually (or using Cron job) index after the content has been updated. Contributors === [radiant]: http://radiantcms.org/ [aissac]: http://aissac.ro [uss]: http:/github/aissac/ultrasphinx_search [0.9.8]: http://www.sphinxsearch.com/downloads.html [sphinxsearch]: http://sphinxsearch.com/docs/current.html#installing [usplugin]: http://github.com/fauna/ultrasphinx/tree/master [wp]: http://github.com/mislav/will_paginate/tree/master [evanweaver]: http://blog.evanweaver.com/files/doc/fauna/ultrasphinx/files/README.html [insoshi]: http://blog.insoshi.com/2008/07/17/searching-a-ruby-on-rails-application-with-sphinx-and-ultrasphinx/