资源说明:My vimfiles copy
README for bash-support.vim (Version 3.2) / August 08 2010 * INSTALLATION * RELEASE NOTES * FILES * ADDITIONAL TIPS Bash Support implements a bash-IDE for Vim/gVim. It is written to considerably speed up writing code in a consistent style. This is done by inserting complete statements, comments, idioms, and code snippets. Syntax checking, running a script, starting a debugger can be done with a keystroke. There are many additional hints and options which can improve speed and comfort when writing shell scripts. ======================================================================================= INSTALLATION ======================================================================================= The subdirectories in the zip archive bash-support.zip mirror the directory structure which is needed below the local installation directory $HOME/.vim/ . (1) Copy the zip archive bash-support.zip to $HOME/.vim and run unzip bash-support.zip If you have already an older version of bash-support and you have modified the template files you may want to save your templates first and suppress overwriting them with unzip bash-support.zip -x *Templates *.template (2) Loading of plugin files must be enabled. If not use :filetype plugin on This is the minimal content of the file '$HOME/.vimrc'. Create one if there is none. (3) Set at least some personal details into bash-support/templates/Templates by overriding the defaults. Here the minimal personalization (my settings as an example, of course): |AUTHOR| = Dr. Fritz Mehner |AUTHORREF| = fgm |EMAIL| = mehner@fh-swf.de |COMPANY| = FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn |COPYRIGHT| = Copyright (c) |YEAR|, |AUTHOR| Please read the documentation to fully understand the template system. (4) Consider additional settings in the file '$HOME/.vimrc'. The files customization.vimrc and customization.gvimrc are replacements or extensions for your .vimrc and .gvimrc ( _vimrc and _gvimrc under Windows). You may want to use parts of them. The files are documented. There are a lot of features and options which can be used and influenced: * use of template files and tags * using and managing personal code snippets * bash dictionary for keyword completion * removing the root menu * using additional plugins Restart gVim/Vim generate the help tags :helptags ~/.vim/doc and look at the bashsupport help with :help bashsupport +-----------------------------------------------+ | +-------------------------------------------+ | | | ** Please read the documentation ** | | | | Actions differ for different modes! | | | +-------------------------------------------+ | +-----------------------------------------------+ ======================================================================================= RELEASE NOTES FOR VERSION 3.2 ======================================================================================= - New hotkey and menu entry for [[ =~ ]] - New for Bash 4.1: shopt 'compat40', variables '$BASHOPTS', '$BASH_XTRACEFD'. - Bugfixes: local installation looks like a system-wide installation in seldom cases. - Bugfixes: typo in 4 menu entries. ======================================================================================= OLDER RELEASE NOTES : see file 'ChangeLog' ======================================================================================= ======================================================================================= FILES ======================================================================================= README.bashsupport This file. ftplugin/sh.vim A filetype plugin. Defines hotkeys and more. plugin/bash-support.vim The bash plugin for Vim/gVim. bash-support/scripts/wrapper.sh A wrapper script for the use of an xterm. doc/bashsupport.txt The help file for the local online help. bash-support/codesnippets/* Some code snippets as a starting point. bash-support/templates/* bash template files (see bashsupport.txt). bash-support/wordlists/* Additional word lists (dictionaries). ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- The following files and extensions are for convenience only. bash-support.vim will work without them. ------------------------------------------------------------- bash-support/rc/customization.bashrc Additional settings I use in .bashrc: set the prompt P2, P3, P4 (for debugging). bash-support/rc/customization.vimrc Additional settings I use in .vimrc: incremental search, tabstop, hot keys, font, use of dictionaries, ... The file is commented. Append it to your .vimrc if you like. bash-support/rc/customization.gvimrc Additional settings I use in .gvimrc: hot keys, mouse settings, ... The file is commented. Append it to your .gvimrc if you like. bash-support/doc/* Hotkey reference card (PDF), changelog. ======================================================================================= ADDITIONAL TIPS ======================================================================================= (1) gvim. Toggle 'insert mode' <--> 'normal mode' with the right mouse button (see mapping in file customization.gvimrc). (2) gvim. Use tear off menus and (3) try 'Focus under mouse' as window behavior (No mouse click when the mouse pointer is back from the menu entry). (4) Use Emulate3Buttons "on" (X11) even for a 3-button mouse. Pressing left and right button simultaneously without moving your fingers is faster then moving a finger to the middle button (often a wheel). =======================================================================================