资源说明:vpnc keepalive daemon for Linux systems
vpncwatch is a keepalive daemon for vpnc(8) on Linux systems. It is a rewrite of vpnc-watch.py by Greg Bensonvpncwatch is written by David Cantrell IDEA The original vpnc-watch.py is included with this source distribution. If you want your keepalive daemon running in Python, here's your chance. The main motivation for rewriting it in C is so it can be compiled for mipsel and put on a very limited storage space OpenWRT system. The idea behind the program is simple. Wrap execution of vpnc and handle it receiving SIGHUP and SIGKILL. SIGHUP will cause a restart, which is handy for an external network checking script. If you find you cannot hit any VPN-connected hosts, you can send SIGHUP to vpncwatch and it'll restart vpnc. vpncwatch can do the network checking for you with the right options. See the -? screen for more information. LICENSE GPL 2.0 or later. Enjoy. BUILD Check the Makefile and modify for your needs. Then run 'make'. INSTALL All you need is the vpncwatch binary, and you can copy that to any location. There is no 'make install'. USAGE Run 'vpncwatch -?' for examples. It's really very simple. EXAMPLE For the impatient, let's say you run this vpnc command typically: /usr/sbin/vpnc /etc/vpnc/vpnc.conf With vpncwatch, your new command is: vpncwatch /usr/sbin/vpnc /etc/vpnc/vpnc.conf If you want to enable VPN network testing, you need to pass a hostname (or IP address) of a host on the VPN as well as a valid TCP port that would be open on that host. For example: vpncwatch \ -c vpn-only-host.example.net -p 80 \ /usr/sbin/vpnc /etc/vpnc/vpnc.conf You can modify the interval that the host checking occurs with the -i option. All the host checking does is make sure a running vpnc process is still actually offering an open link. If vpncwatch can open a socket to that host and it not fail, vpncwatch assumes the link is still open. Easy. If you pass options to vpnc usually, vpncwatch can do that too. See the -? screen for more information. -- David Cantrell