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资源说明:public snapshot of current connotea code under GIT revision control
    Connotea Code

    (c) Copyright 2005-2007 Nature Publishing Group.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
    option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

    Some portions regarding RDF are originally from RDF::Core, derived from
    works Copyright (C) 2001 Ginger Alliance Ltd., and carry their own
    copyright and GPL notices.

    You will the see the names Connotea, Bibliotech and Connotea Code used.
    To eliminate any confusion, we'll clarify the meaning of those names

    Connotea is the name of the online reference management service created
    and run by Nature Publishing Group (NPG). Bibliotech was the initial
    project name used at NPG while the service was being developed, and
    hence this name is used for some class and variable names in the code.
    The release of the underlying technology for Connotea is known as
    Connotea Code. The purpose of this page and the SourceForge project is
    to make the code that runs this site publicly available for review and

    Therefore, it makes sense to refer to Connotea the service, or to the
    Connotea Code. However, Connotea is a trademark of Nature Publishing
    Group, so if you use the code to create your own bookmarking service, we
    ask that you don't brand it as Connotea. We also ask that you include
    the following footer on your site:

      This site is powered by
      Connotea Code,
      the open source software behind

    The Connotea logo, the site guide and related documentation, other image
    files and stylesheets are copyrighted by NPG and are not released under
    the GPL.

    Connotea Code runs a social bookmarking web site for users to save and
    share links, which can have citation data automatically retrieved from
    authoritative sources.

    Connotea Code is written in Perl, and uses MySQL as the data store. It
    runs as a mod_perl handler in Apache2, and uses templates for page

    Download the tarball from the connotea SourceForge project area at

    The current stable release is version 1.8.

    * Web API in regular use.
    * Template Toolkit based templates in regular use.
    * More optimized SQL queries for common requests.
    * Greater use of transactions in MySQL.
    * Greater flexbility for citation source modules.
    * New citation source modules, plus improvements to existing modules.
    * Blog component to create news page from external blog.
    * Wiki component to create custom wiki.
    * Admin component with user search.
    * Integration with Bibutils library for BibTeX and MODS output.
    * Antispam system with captcha and quarantine responses.
    * Click tracker for all posts.
    * Alpha-version proxy module system to handle known proxied post URL's.
    * Alpha-version stand-alone citation server capability.
    * Additional tools such as command-line post by API, user recovery, and
    test suite launch.
    * Automated deployment scripts, now supporting Darcs instead of CVS.
    * Updated code to support newer versions of CPAN modules.
    * More test suite scripts.

  NEW FEATURES FROM 1.5.0 TO 1.7.1
    * Many bugs fixed.
    * Alpha-version Web API.
    * Alpha-version Template Toolkit based output framework.
    * Full text searching feature.
    * Better cache control and throttling.
    * Better bookmarklets.
    * Better URI validation.
    * Better XML encoding for fringe cases.
    * Better character set decoding of downloaded documents for citations.
    * Exception email notification.
    * More support for two instances on same server.
    * More support for split web/database servers for one instance.
    * More comprehensive User Agent support for citation modules.
    * Method to switch from one citation module to another.
    * Optimized SQL for counting totals and some other operations.
    * Added methods for profiling code and dumping SQL statements.
    * Loosen some grammar restrictions, e.g. ok to name a tag "tag".
    * Tighten some grammar restrictions, e.g. num & start must be numeric.
    * Better RIS import based on real-world file examples.
    * New citation modules:

        * Blackwell
        * PMC
        * Wiley
        * ePrints

    * Several optional administrator utilities:

        * retro: script to update citation data rectroactively.
        * bibwatch: load monitoring utility.
        * bibpreempt: preempting and testing utility.
        * resendreg: utility to resend registration details.
        * deluser: utility to delete users.
        * memcache_wrapper: init.d script to keep memcached running.

    * Several developer testing utilities:

        * import: test import modules
        * test citation modules
        * retrieve URLs from Yahoo for testing citation
        * convert citation module test results to clickable HTML
        for review in a browser

    See sql/schema_alter.sql for commands to patch your database. Other
    elements of the upgrade should be optional; that is, you can turn them
    on later.

  UPGRADING FROM 1.5.0 TO 1.7.1
    The biggest difference between 1.5.0 and 1.7.1 is that 1.7.1 uses two
    databases at once.

    In order to support fulltext matching, a new feature, we use a MyISAM
    database in MySQL with FULLTEXT keys (see

    However, InnoDB is still faster for JOIN's and offers referential
    integrity, so as a compromise we run two databases and keep them
    synchronized with MySQL replication (see

    If you are upgrading from Connotea Code 1.5.0, please see the section
    below on database setup for the secondary search database. To upgrade,
    you will need to:

    * Create a mysql dump that does not mention schema, just data, as in:
         $ mysqldump -c -t -u bibliotech -p bibliotech > /tmp/dump

    * Create the MyISAM search database as described below.
    * Setup replication and restart MySQL as described below.
    * Run sql/wipe.sql to remove all data from your database:
         $ echo 'source sql/wipe.sql' | mysql -u bibliotech -p bibliotech

    * Reimport your dump back into your main InnoDB database, from where it
    will flow to the search database because of replication:
         $ echo 'source /tmp/dump' | mysql -u bibliotech -p bibliotech

    Except for the addition of a MyISAM database, there are no intradatabase
    schema changes between 1.5.0 and 1.7.1.

    To upgrade from versions prior to 1.5.0, please edit
    sql/schema_alter.sql to contain only the statements necessary to alter
    the database schema from your version to the current schema. There are
    no schema changes between 1.5.0 and 1.7.1.

     $ $EDITOR schema_alter.sql
     $ echo 'source schema_alter.sql' | mysql -u root -p bibliotech

    Then follow the directions above for upgrading from 1.5.0.

    Connotea's ability to import bibliographic information from third-party
    websites is enabled by a series of plug-ins.

    If you downloaded this source code with the intent of creating a
    citation module, see the comments and code in the file
    Bibliotech/ which will explain the base class from
    which your citation source module should be derived.

    In previous releases testing your citation module required a full
    instance of Connotea Code. In this release, a script named
    test_util/ provides a way to test your module's
    return values without an instance. Your module file should be placed in
    the Bibliotech/CitationSource directory to be recognized by this script.

    You may also test by creating a fully installed instance, which gives
    the added benefit of letting you test via a web browser and ensure that
    citation data is saved properly in MySQL.

    If you create a new citation plug-in, please consider releasing it back
    to the Connotea community.

    Connotea's ability to import a batch of links or references depends on a
    series of plug-ins.

    If you downloaded this source code with the intent of creating an import
    module, see the comments and code in the file Bibliotech/ which
    will explain the base class from which your import module should be

    In previous releases testing your citation module required a full
    instance of Connotea Code. In this release, a script named
    test_util/import provides a way to test your module's return values
    without an instance. Your module file should be placed in the
    Bibliotech/Import directory to be recognized by this script.

    You may also test by creating a fully installed instance, which gives
    the added benefit of letting you test via a web browser and ensure that
    imported data is saved properly in MySQL.

    If you create a new import plug-in, please consider releasing it back to
    the Connotea community.

    Connotea's ability to provide proxy translation for specific types of
    URI's depends on a series of plug-ins.

    If you downloaded this source code with the intent of creating a proxy
    module, see the comments and code in the file Bibliotech/ which
    will explain the base class from which your import module should be

    You may test by creating a fully installed instance.

    If you create a new proxy plug-in, please consider releasing it back to
    the Connotea community.

    Any Connotea Code instance that contains the "Inc" component has the
    ability to deliver static pages through the template system. A URL path
    that is not recognized by "Bibliotech::Parser" will be tested as a
    filename under the document root with an extension of ".inc" appended.
    The contents of this file should be XHTML. If found, the contents will
    be served within or according to the rules of the
    template system.

    To create a new component for your Connotea Code instance that serves
    dynamic web content requires at least the following:

    In Bibliotech/ you must find the grammar definition and add a
    subrule to the page production which will designate the URL path that
    will activate your component. Keep in mind that a path name that is a
    shortened version of another path name will always eclipse the longer
    one if it appears first, so you should add it after (e.g. "urilabel"
    must come before "uri" or "uri" would always match for either).

    In Bibliotech/Page/ add a package based on "Bibliotech::Page"
    like the others defined in that file. The name should be
    "Bibliotech::Page::x" where "x" is your path name with a single capital
    letter at the beginning even if it is more than one word (e.g.
    "Bibliotech::Page::Reportspam" for a path of "/reportspam"). Include a
    "main_component()" method that returns a string of the last part of the
    class name of the main component, a "Bibliotech::Component"-derived
    class (e.g. 'ReportSpam' for "Bibliotech::Component::ReportSpam").

    In the Bibliotech/Component directory create a module based on
    Bibliotech::Component. Use the others that appear in that diectory as
    examples and refer directly to the source code in
    Bibliotech/, particularly the comments, for descriptions of
    expected methods and their expected return values. For an HTML
    compontent be sure to include "last_updated_basis()" and
    "html_content()". In particular, html_content() should return a
    "Bibliotech::Page::HTML_Content" object; that class is defined in

    The Connotea Web API allows communication with an instance, either the
    Connotea web site at  or your own private
    instance, using a predefined set of commands to access structured data
    and accomplish normal user actions in a programmatic manner.

    Your software may be written in any language you choose - the basic
    requirements are the ability to create and parse XML and communicate
    using the HTTP protocol. The ability to interpret the XML as RDF and use
    object orientation to model the objects serialized as RDF may prove
    helpful. Libraries and sample code are available.

    See  for Web API documentation.

    This code requires, or has been best tested on:

    * Linux/UNIX operating system (tested on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 -
    see )
    * Perl 5.8.0 (see )
    * Perl CPAN modules as identified on the list below (see
    * Apache 2.0.40 (see )
    * MySQL 5.0.17 (see )
    * Memcached 1.1.12 (see )

    You will need to have the following modules installed from CPAN.

    On all Perl systems you can type:

      $ LANG=C cpan


      $ LANG=C perl -MCPAN -e shell get a CPAN shell prompt, and then type:

      cpan> install XXX::YYY


      cpan> force install XXX::YYY install a module.

    The "LANG=C" portion of the command line above is highly recommended as
    many modern Linux distributions set your default "LANG" to a
    locale-based setting and this often interferes with Perl module
    compilations. When it does, the error messages will be very misleading
    and never mention the "LANG" variable.

    Before you embark on what will probably be a long install-fest, it is
    also recommended that you type:

     cpan> install Bundle::CPAN

    ...inside the CPAN shell and then restart it. This will ensure that you
    are using the latest version of the CPAN code. Some things will go more

    When asked whether to follow dependencies, answer yes. When asked about
    optional utilities and scripts that can be installed to /bin or
    /usr/bin, answer however you like, as none are necessary for this code.

    You do not necessarily need the latest version of every module, although
    in one or two cases you do. In general, if your Perl is at least 5.8.0,
    just install the version that a non-force install will give you at the
    CPAN prompt. If you are lower than 5.8.0, upgrade your base Perl
    installation first.

    The list:

    On Red Hat and some other distros, the following are provided in vendor
    packages, and you're better off using those.

    * Apache2
    * Apache::Const
    * Apache::File

    ...but install these from CPAN so you get new versions:

    * IO::String (for Bio::Biblio::IO, better to preinstall)
    * XML::Writer (for Bio::Biblio::IO, better to preinstall)
    * XML::Twig (for Bio::Biblio::IO, better to preinstall)
    * SOAP::Lite (for Bio::Biblio::IO, better to preinstall)
    * Pod::Man (for DateTime, better to preinstall)
    * Bio::Biblio (may need to be forced)
    * Cache::Memcached
    * CGI
    * Class::DBI
    * Config::Scoped
    * Data::Dumper (not just for debugging, actually used in production)
    * Date::Parse
    * DateTime (you may need to force installation of DateTime::Set if your
    timezone is not UTC)
    * DateTime::Format::ISO8601
    * DateTime::Format::MySQL
    * DateTime::Incomplete
    * Digest::MD5
    * Encode (you may need to force installation of Encode if some
    non-English tests fail)
    * Fcntl
    * File::Temp
    * File::Touch
    * FindBin
    * HTML::Entities
    * HTML::Sanitizer (you may need to force installation of HTML::Sanitizer
    due to some year-old bugs already filed on CPAN)
    * HTTP::OAI
    * IO::File
    * JSON
    * LWP::UserAgent
    * List::MoreUtils
    * List::Util (you may need to force installation of List::Util unless
    you have a very new version of Perl)
    * Net::Daemon::Log (you may need to force installation of
    Net::Daemon::Log for failing a fork test - not used by us)
    * Netscape::Bookmarks
    * Parse::RecDescent
    * RDF::Core
    * SQL::Abstract
    * Set::Array
    * Storable
    * Template
    * Test::Exception
    * Time::HiRes
    * URI
    * URI::Escape
    * URI::Heuristic
    * URI::OpenURL
    * URI::QueryParam
    * Want
    * Wiki::Toolkit
    * Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Diff
    * XML::Element
    * XML::Feed
    * XML::LibXML
    * XML::RSS
    * YAML (you may need to force installation of Test::Simple which is a
    dependency of YAML, for an unknown reason)
    * Apache::Emulator (not required for core web service service)
    * Text::BibTeX (not required for core web service service)

    Two databases for user posts need to be created. See sql/schema.sql for
    the database schema which needs to be created in MySQL. The first
    database will be created using InnoDB tables to enforce foreign keys and
    constraints and for table joining speed. A second database then should
    be created with a _search suffix using MyISAM tables that have FULLTEXT
    indexes which are queried when searching for words. (FULLTEXT indexes
    are not available for InnoDB yet.)

    The second schema is generated from the first by running:

      $ cd sql
      $ perl mkschema_search < schema.sql > schema_search.sql

    MySQL relication can be used to make the MyISAM database a slave of the
    InnoDB database, even on the same machine. This is a suggested
    configuration for /etc/my.cnf that will do just that:

      # local replication of bibliotech to bibliotech_search:
      # change stopwords in support of bibliotech freematch feature:
      # allow packing of queries

    Change the master-password line! Also change the database names if you
    are not using "bibliotech".

    You will probably find the MySQL stopwords to be too restrictive in
    practice. The list can be viewed at
    . We
    recommend that you pare down this list to a more suitable one, and use
    the ft_stopword_file keyword to tell MySQL to use your list instead.

    In any case, if you want the search feature to behave predictably, you
    must specify an external text file stopword list to MySQL. The search
    handler will query MySQL to find out the stopword list file being used,
    and read it as well, so it can anticipate MySQL reporting no matches for
    words that otherwise should match.

    You'll need to execute a grant statement similar to this one:

     search_repl@'localhost.localdomain' IDENTIFIED BY 'pass';

    Two notes on the replication grant statement:

    * MySQL seems to consider "localhost.localdomain" different from
    "localhost" and while the shorter version normally works, for
    replication it seems that the longer one is needed. If you have
    problems, try both.
    * You must have the updated privilege table structure. If you have had
    MySQL installed since the 3.x series, your mysql.user table lacks the
    privilege fields mentioned above; check your docs about a script called
    'mysql_fix_privilege_tables'. On many systems this will be a shell
    script in /usr/bin that you can run as root with a "--password=xxx"
    parameter (to specify the MySQL root user password, not the Unix root
    user password).

    The MySQL username used by the Perl handler must have access to both
    databases (username and password as in /etc/bibliotech.conf):

      user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
      GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON bibliotech_search.* TO
      user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';

    You also need to setup Wiki::Toolkit so that a wiki is available. This
    is required. You should create a blank database, grant a user rights to
    it, and run the provided setup script.

      CREATE DATABASE conwiki;
      GRANT ALL ON conwiki.* TO conwiki@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';

      $ /usr/bin/wiki-toolkit-setupdb --type mysql \
                                      --name conwiki \
                                      --user conwiki \
                                      --pass secret \
                                      --host localhost

    Remember to populate the "COMPONENT WIKI" block of your configuration
    file with the wiki database details.

    Everything under the site/default subdirectory should be placed or
    linked into an Apache-accessible location, and a location handler should
    be added to httpd.conf (or elsewhere in the Apache configuration) such
    as the following one.

    Update the values to match your IP, domain, and file paths:

        DocumentRoot /var/www/perl/connotea_code/site/default
        PerlOptions +Parent
        PerlSwitches -I/var/www/perl/connotea_code
        PerlModule Bibliotech::Apache
        PerlModule Bibliotech::AuthCookie
          SetHandler perl-script
          PerlHandler Bibliotech::Apache
          PerlAuthenHandler Bibliotech::AuthCookie::authen_handler
          AuthName Bibliotech
          AuthType basic
          require valid-user
          #ErrorDocument 503 /paused.html
          #ErrorDocument 503 /readonly.html
          ErrorDocument 503 /unavailable.html

    The 503 lines allow a custom page to be displayed when your site is
    under heavy load (unavailable.html) or when you deliberately pause
    service (paused.html) or make it read-only (readonly.html); you must
    edit your Apache configuration and switch which line is commented for
    the latter two modes.

    Memcached is required, and the code is written to assume that a memcache
    is running. Database timestamps, cached HTML, and uploaded files are all
    stored temporarily in this cache.

    See config for a configuration that should be copied to
    /etc/bibliotech.conf and edited to suit your needs. Particularly, be
    sure to change *_SECRET and *_PASSWORD variables.

    Default configuration:


    The look and feel of your Connotea Code installation can be modified by
    creating a new stylesheet and new templates. The template system is
    Template Toolkit documented at the web site at
    . We refer to this system as TT for

    Templates are located by default in site/default. This is controlled by
    options in the configuration. It is recommended that templates have a
    .tt extension.

    The template used to service a particular request is determined by the
    page requested and the available template filenames.

    Individual templates can be defined for individual pages; for example,
    to override the template for the add form, create a template called

    For general bookmark listing queries (e.g. "/tag/tagname"), templates
    beginning with recent can be used. will be used for queries
    with no user or tag parameters -, and can be created to specify the behaviour is there is a
    user query, a tag query, or both respectively.

    Unless overridden by a specific template, is used.

    Templates should not contain the full HTML for the page you want to
    construct, but only that which should appear between the "" and
    "" tags.

    This is an example

      [% prepare_component_begin() %]
      [% prepare_component('main',undef,'main,verbose') %]
      [% prepare_component_end() %]
      [% main_title %]
      [% rss_link %]
      [% component_javascript_block_if_needed %]
      [% component_html('main',undef,'main,verbose') %]

    The syntax is from Template Toolkit documented at the web site at
    . We refer to TT for short.

    A Connotea web page is a series of components that are combined
    together, contributing HTML which can be organized in separately-placed
    parts calculated at once, or as one block, and also sometimes Javascript
    to be placed in a "
