Intro ----- These are the sources of the http://hpfem.org/ web. We welcome any suggestions for our pages, feel free to send us a patch. Follow the instructions below to edit the pages. How to edit the pages --------------------- Please edit only the templates in the directory "templates", and then just run "./generate" from the root directory and it will take the templates and generate the .html files. The "./generate" script depends on the jinja2 library (on Debian/Ubuntu, install the "python-jinja2" package). For example, if you look into templates/hermes.html: {% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %} hp-FEM: Hermes project {% endblock %} {% block content %}{% endblock %} Then you can see, that it takes layout.html (which is the whole html that you can download from freetemplates.org) a and it only changes the title and the content. So the contens is now only edited at one place in templates/layout.html, then you run "./generate" and it will updated all pages. When you want to add/delete a new page, then just create/delete a template and add/delete it's name from ./generate: #! /usr/bin/env python from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates')) templates = ["hermes.html", "contact.html", "femcodes.html", "index.html"] for template in templates: t = env.get_template(template) open(template, "w").write(t.render()) Add/delete it from the list "templates". How to push to femhub.org ------------------------- The repository has two branches: master ..... the branch with template sources, just use "./generate" to create the html pages, see the README for more info (this branch doesn't contain the generated pages) gh-pages ... the branch which contains just the generated pages If you push the gh-pages to github, it will automatically create the pages at: http://certik.github.com/femhub.org (only instead of "certik" there will be your github name). This is very nice for testing pages, if you want to ask other people for opinions on your changes, without doing this "life" on our femhub.org pages. To update the gh-pages branch, do: $ git co master $ git clean -dfx $ ./generate $ git co gh-pages $ ./copy-pages $ git ci -m "update" If you are satisfied with the changes and you want to push changes to femhub.org, just do: git push spilka:/home/git/repos/femhub.org gh-pages and it will automatically recognize that you have updated the gh-pages branch and copies the file from the repository (on spilka) to /home/git/web/femhub.org and the apache rules for femhub.org point to that directory too.Hermes project
Hermes is a free C++/Python library of adaptive hp-FEM algorithms. The following links will lead you to the 1D, 2D and 3D versions of the library: