文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Active Scaffold Presentation for RubyNation
# Active Scaffold Presentation

## First Phase

In this phase we'll create a simple scaffold with a single field.

1. Connect to working directory:
    cd Workspaces

2. Create a new Rails project:
    sudo rails camur
    sudo chown -R medined:medined camur

3. Connect to project directory:
    cd camur

4. install plugins:
    script/plugin install git:// -r rails-edge
    script/plugin install git://

5. Create Person model:
    script/generate model person name:string

6. Execute the migration:
    rake db:migrate

7. Create the Person controller:
    script/generate controller person

8. Edit app/controllers/person_controller.rb:
    class PersonController < ApplicationController
      layout 'default'
      active_scaffold :person

9. Create a default layout:
    cp ../camur_backup/app/views/layouts/default.erb app/views/layouts

          <%= stylesheet_link_tag "style" %>
          <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
          <%= active_scaffold_includes %>
<%= yield -%>
10. Start a server in a new terminal. script/server 11. Visit person page. http://localhost:3000/person 12, Review the show create, edit, show, search, delete options. ## Second Phase This phase of the project will use nearly all of the datatypes that ActiveScaffold supports. 1. Create a Book model (all datatypes except for binary) script/generate model book person_id:integer name:string pages:integer price:float invoiced_at:datetime purchased_on:date paid_at:timestamp checkin:time description:text paperback:boolean 2. Create a controller for Book. script/generate controller book 3. Update the database. rake db:migrate 4. Edit app/models/book.rb to add relation to person. belongs_to :person 5. edit app/models/person.rb to add relation to books. has_many :books 6. Create app/controllers/book_controller.rb class BookController < ApplicationController layout 'default' active_scaffold :book end 7. start a server in a new terminal unless it is running script/server 8. visit book page. http://localhost:3000/book 9. Create and edit a book. You'll see too many fields and the order is uncontrolled. The 'person' field should be titled 'Owners'. 10. Edit app/controllers/book_controller.rb to hide some of the book fields and rename 'person' to 'Owner'. active_scaffold :book do |config| config.create.columns = [ :name, :paperback, :price ] config.columns[:person].label = "Owner" end 11. Reload the book page. Notice the server does not need to be restarted. Check out the column sorting. 12. Create some books. Normally, I'd create a rake task to initialize test data. Assign two books to David. 13. Visit the person page. Notice that the books show as a comma-delimited list. Click on the list and you'll see the sub-form pop open. http://localhost:3000/person 14. The field order is not good. Edit app/controllers/person_controller.rb to fix this. We'll change the date format later. class PersonController < ApplicationController layout 'default' active_scaffold :person do |config| config.list.columns = [ :name, :books, :updated_at ] end end 15. Click edit. Notice the option to select an existing book or enter a new one. And that the person form has only a name field, all the other fields are book fields. 16. Edit app/controllers/person_controller.rb to restrict user to only existing books. Note the plural needs to be used. active_scaffold :person do |config| config.columns[:books].form_ui = :select end 17. Reload person page. Edit a person. Associate books to person. Since a book belongs_to a person, once it has been assigned it can't be assigned to another person. 18. Click on books link, show subform. 19. Too many fields in subform. Edit app/controllers/book_controller.rb to restrict the list fields. active_scaffold :book do |config| config.list.columns = [ :name, :description, :paperback, :price, :updated_at ] end 20. Reload and click on books link. Notice fewer columns. 21. Let's prevent book deletion. Edit app/controllers/book_controller.rb def delete_authorized? false end 22. Reload and click on books link. Notice the delete link is gone. ## Third Phase Time to fix the problem of ugly dates. There are several options but we'll add a new function to the ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone class. 1. Edit app/controllers/application.rb. class ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone def format_short_date self.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") end end 2. Create a app/helpers/person_helpers.rb file. module PersonHelper def updated_at_column(record) if record.updated_at.respond_to? :format_short_date record.updated_at.format_short_date else record.updated_at end end end 3. Edit app/helpers/person_helpers.rb by changing module to class to demonstrate an error. 4. Visit both the Person and Books pages to show that the helper module is loaded for both controllers. 5. Edit app/controllers/application.rb to comment out the 'helper :all' line. 6. Reload the Books page to see that the helper module is no longer loaded. 7. Edit app/controllers/PersonController.rb to add the following line after the layout is defined. helper :person 8. Now the updated_at field on the Person page is different from the Book page. ## Fourth Phase 1. Install the CalendarDateSelect gem. sudo gem install calendar_date_select 2. Add the following line immediately before the last end in config/environmnet.rb config.gem "calendar_date_select" 3. Restart the server. 4. Edit app/views/layouts/default.erb. Add the following line before the closing HEAD tag. <%= calendar_date_select_includes "silver" %> 5, Load the Book page. Click edit and look at the InvoicedAt field. ## Fifth Phase !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Create a custom scaffold of Paperback books. git push origin master
