资源说明:[abandoned] Speech Recognition and Synthesis Addon for OpenFrameworks
# ofxSpeech * May 30th 2009 - by Ruben Duque (latrokles) * Updated - Nov 4 2013 - Jeff Crouse (jefftimesten) This addon is a wrapper around the Apple [speech recognition](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Carbon/Reference/Speech_Recognition_Manager/Reference/reference.html) and [speech synthesis](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Carbon/Reference/Speech_Synthesis_Manager/Reference/reference.html) APIs. Ergo, it is Mac only. Check out [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQZA8Im3UqA) to see the "zoo" example in action. This will give you a realistic expectation of the accuracy of the library. ## Installation: 1. Place ofxSpeech in the addons folder. ## Adding to a Project: 1. Add the ofxSpeech to your project in the IDE (Xcode presumably). 2. Add #include "ofxSpeech.h" in your testApp.h ## ofxSpeechRecognizer usage: 1. **testApp.h** Add a function to your testApp that takes a string by reference, this function will get called when a word is recognized. Also declare a ofxSpeechRecognizer object. void speechRecognized(string & wordRecognized); ofxSpeechRecognizer recognizer; 1. **setup** In the testApp.cpp setup() function, add the function mentioned above as a listener to a speechRecognized event and init the recognizer. ofAddListener(recognizer.speechRecognizedEvent, this, &testApp::speechRecognized); recognizer.initRecognizer(); You can load a list of words to recognize from a file in your data directory containing each word in a separate line. recognizer.loadDictionaryFromFile("dictionary.txt"); Alternatively you can have a vector of words and add them that way vectorwords; words.push_back("red"); words.push_back("green"); words.push_back("black"); recognizer.loadDictionary(words); startListening for words recognizer.startListening(); 1. **speechRecognized** In the function defined in testApp.cpp place code to be executed once a given word is detected void testApp::speechRecognized(string & wordRecognized) { if(wordRecognized == "red") ofBackground(255, 0, 0); if(wordRecognized == "green") ofBackground(0, 255, 0); } the recognized can be stopped recognizer.stopListening(); ## ofxSpeechSynthesizer usage: //define and create an ofxSpeechSynthesizer object ofxSpeechSynthesizer synthesizer; //list available voices in the system synthesizer.listVoices(); //initalize synthesizer with voice, if no voice is given the default system voice is used. synthesizer.initSynthesizer("Whisper"); //speak a word or sentence synthesizer.speakPhrase("hello, this a test of the synthesizer"); //to turn on spelling character by character synthesizer.setCharacterByCharacter(true); //to turn off spelling character by character synthesizer.setCharacterByCharacter(false); //to turn on digit by digit for numbers synthesizer.setDigitByDigit(true) //to turn off digit by digit for numbers synthesizer.setDigitByDigit(true) //to pause speaking synthesizer.pauseSpeaking(); //to resume speaking synthesizer.continueSpeaking(); //to stop speaking completely synthesizer.stopSpeaking();