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资源说明:Quick and convenient Ruby debugger for use in IRB
The Debuggerer is a Ruby debugger that can be used quickly and conveniently from within IRB.

== Project Status 2009-10-01
Many features don't work and set_trace_func has proved unstable. Now that ruby-debug
has been ported to 1.9, Debuggerer will switch to that for underlying implementation.

== Has this ever happened to you?

Tired of the elaborate ceremony required to carry out a typical debugging session?
Would you like to be able to perform that case cracking trace with a single command?
The Debuggerer does conditional traces, watches and breakpoints at the snap of a finger.

Imagine you have a bug in this complex program:

  class Donk
    def initialize
      @yerk = @bobo = 1

    def foozle x
      x.times {
        woot = @yerk
        @yerk = @bobo
        @bobo += woot

The Debuggerer comes to the rescue:

  >> require 'debuggerer'

  >>"woot") { 5 }

  In /home/jed/proj/debuggerer/lib/program.rb:
  8          woot = @yerk
  9          @yerk = @bobo                                           1
  10         @bobo += woot                                           1
  8          woot = @yerk                                  
  9          @yerk = @bobo                                           1
  10         @bobo += woot                                           1
  8          woot = @yerk                                  
  9          @yerk = @bobo                                           2
  10         @bobo += woot                                           2
  8          woot = @yerk                                  
  9          @yerk = @bobo                                           3
  10         @bobo += woot                                           3
  8          woot = @yerk                                  
  9          @yerk = @bobo                                           5
  10         @bobo += woot                                           5

From left to right is line number, source, and watch value. The watch
can be any expression. It's evaluated in the context of the source line.
The trace will pull code out of source files, if possible, and even
from the IRB history.

To cut down on the noise, maybe you only want to see *changes* to
some expression:

  >> Debuggerer.watch_changes("@bobo") { 5 }

  In (irb):
  35   Debuggerer.watch_changes("@bobo") { 5 }
  In /home/jed/proj/debuggerer/lib/program.rb:
  7        x.times {                                                 1
	8					 woot = @yerk                                            2
  8          woot = @yerk                                            3
  8          woot = @yerk                                            5
  8          woot = @yerk                                            8

Or maybe you want to specify your own condition:

  >> Debuggerer.watch_if("@bobo", "@yerk >= 5") { 5 }

  In /home/jed/proj/debuggerer/lib/program.rb:
  10         @bobo += woot                                           5
  8          woot = @yerk                                            8
  9          @yerk = @bobo                                           8
  10         @bobo += woot                                           8

Or maybe you just want to stop the action and check things out for yourself:

  >> dbg = Debuggerer.run_to(Donk,:foozle) { 5 }

   Breakpoint call to Donk#foozle 

  >> dbg.context
  {:event=>"call", :file=>"/home/jed/proj/debuggerer/lib/program.rb",
   :line=>6, :ident=>:foozle, :binding=>#,

  >> dbg.run_until "@yerk >= 5"

   Breakpoint if @yerk >= 5 

  >> dbg.context
  {:event=>"line", :file=>"/home/jed/proj/debuggerer/lib/program.rb",
   :line=>10, :ident=>:foozle, :binding=>#,

  >> dbg.eval "@yerk"

  >> dbg.finish

Internally, the debugger object runs the subject code in a +Fiber+.
Once created, it can be used to step through the code or to set
multiple breakpoints. Breakpoints can be set for file+line,
class+method, arbitrary conditional expressions, and for exceptions.


This gem is currently classified as "barely usable". Planned
enhancements include, but are not limited to:

* multiple simultaneous debuggers
* global management of all debuggers
* more comprehensive readout info
* restart, reverse, other interesting flow control things
* convenient commands in global namespace and certain classes
* general robustness and reliability
