资源说明:Allows fingerprint-based authentication through PAM
pam_fprint ========== Homepage: http://www.reactivated.net/fprint/wiki/Pam_fprint pam_fprint is a PAM module which uses libfprint's fingerprint verification functionality to implement a fingerprint-based login system. Before you can use pam_fprint to login, you must have enrolled at least one finger on the device that you wish to use (or a compatible one). A program called pam_fprint_enroll is provided that does this for you. Run with the --help argument to learn how to enroll different fingers. pam_fprint is alpha software and has deficiencies. See the the homepage for PAM setup instructions and other notes. Support and development happens on the mailing list: http://www.reactivated.net/fprint/wiki/Mailing_list Enjoy! - Daniel Drake