资源说明:Simple web app to enable WOL from a different subnet
WOL Proxy is a technology showcase, as well as a handy little application. What does it do? The purpose of the application is simple: make it easier to use Wake-On-LAN when you log into your office over your company's VPN. Why is WOL hard to use? Well, for one, many free WOL clients are not very feature-ful, and more importantly, if your VPN puts your local computer in a different subnet from your corporate intranet, the WOL broadcast packet won't make it to the machine you're trying to wake. So what does this application do? It is a web app that acts as a "WOL Proxy," running on a server on your intranet. Assuming you can access some HTTP server once you've logged into your VPN, you browse to http://intranet.mycompany.net/wol-proxy/, choose the machine you've configured previously, and hit "Wake!" and it the WOL Proxy will send the WOL broadcast to wake the workstation sleeping happily under your desk. Finally, this application helps you "guess" the network settings for the machine you want to wake. While you're still in the office, you can browse to the WOL Proxy application, "Add" a new host, and then hit the "Guess!" button. The WOL Proxy app has a small embedded applet that will inspect your network configuration and determine the most likely host name, MAC address and broadcast address required to send the WOL packet to your workstation. Now, you can put your workstation to sleep at night and not feel guilty about wasting all those kilowatt-hours of electricity, just because of the off-chance that you might need to connect to your office computer on the weekend to access that stupid TPS report that you forgot to email to your boss. So what makes this project so special? Well, nothing in particular, but I feel I've found a "secret recipie" for small, narrow-use-case web applications. First, let me lay out some of my criteria: 1. The application requires very few pages. In this case, it only requires one page. The page never reloads or navigates to another location. This is very similar to how Gmail works. This isn't strictly necessary, but it completely removes the need for complex link mapping and navigation frameworks. Additionally, I don't even have to worry about ServletContext.getContextPath() since all hrefs can use relative paths. 2. Simple domain model, i.e. something where Hibernate is overkill. Not that Hibernate is particularly difficult to use, but I'm talking less than a half-dozen tables in total. (Actually, it wouldn't affect much if Hibernate were added.) 3. Well, that's it, really. But the solution is, IMO, beautiful :) The app uses DWR services, scoped using Spring (and optionally protected via Spring Security annotations). ALL client-server interaction uses JSON and Ajax. This makes for a rich and smooth user experience. However, this means that _all_ UI logic is in Javascript (arguably where it should be). This also means that the markup pages can be completely STATIC. Yes, you read that right. There is no dynamic markup rendering done by the server. No JSP tags or any of that crap. Theoretically this should make it extremely scalable. But how can you do this? Complex markup structures (i.e. lists and tables of domain objects) are rendered via a simple node builder method. See src/main/webapp/js/util.js. Admittedly this can become tedious, but complex markup (e.g. a datagrid with nested tables) can be aided by using static templates, retrieved by the client via Ajax, and then copied in a loop using the DOM cloneNode() method. This also means that any REST client could be used as a front-end to the application; e.g. a rich-client Flex or Silverlight app. This is enforced by the application's architecture because the service/ front-end separation is also where the client/ server break is. That is, DWR services on the server <-> Javascript on the client. This also forces you to properly secure your services (which they should be _anyway_, even if your UI logic were on the server side and the services were not publicly accessible.) Except for the fact that the server hosts the static HTML, JS and CSS files, the UI is _completely_ client based. This is sort of like GWT, but without the Java-to-Javascript compiler. Cool, huh?