文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Perl script for backup (stable)


Author: [Michael Goerz](


This code is licensed under the [GPL](

## Install ##

Store the `` script anywhere in your `$PATH`.

## Usage ##

You have to write a backup profile, and then call `` as profile.bkp

An example profile is

    find /home/goerz/ -newer /home/goerz/
    find /home/goerz/Mail/
    find /home/goerz/mbox
    find /home/goerz/Sent
    find /home/goerz/.vmware
    find /home/goerz/
    splitsize = 0
    excludepattern = '\.svn'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/\.thunderbird/'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/\.kde/'
    excludepattern = '\.svn'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/\.beagle/'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/mp3/'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/.google/desktop'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/\.googleearth\/Cache/'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/\.googleearth\/Registry'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/Music/'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/.thumbnails/'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/Trash'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/Download/'
    excludepattern = 'backup\.spool'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/backup/'
    excludepattern = '^/home/goerz/\.mozilla'
    gzip = 1
    outfile = /home/goerz/backup/daily
    postcommand = touch /home/goerz/

This call will backup a number of folders defined in the profile into one or
more archive files.

Generally, a profile consists of three sections, #INCLUDE, #EXCLUDE, 
and #VARIABLES. The #INCLUDE section lists all directories that should be
included in the backup (either directly or as a command yielding the desired
directories as output), whereas the #EXCLUDE section defines exceptions, in the
same way.

The #VARIABLES section defines options for the backup script. The possible
options in this section are `splitsize`, `excludepattern`, `gzip`, `outfile`,
`precommand`, `postcommand`:

    splitsize         Max. size of one output archive. The backup will be split
                      into one or more archives, each at most with a size of 
    excludepattern    Any file matching this pattern is excluded from the
    outfile           Base name for the output. The actual output archive will
                      have the name outfile.TIME.NO.tgz, where TIME is a
                      timestamp, and NO is the number of the output file (in
                      case of split files)
    precommand        A command to run before the actual backup
    postcommand       A command to run after the actual backup
