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Monkeybot is a campfire bot to handle status tracking and misc tasks for the Fort Wayne Screaming Monkey's Guild.

The system is currently an organic hodgepodge and probably shouldn't be used anywhere without some TLC.


Add gems used by Monkeybot (in addition to Rubygems / Rails)

    sudo gem install scrubyt tinder firewatir daemons

Create log dir

    mkdir log
Run migrations

    rake migrate

Set up your own environment in init.rb
    # Use this env for your database config
    RACK_ENV = 'my_env'

Copy database example file for your use

    cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml

Copy login details file for your use

    copy config/private_details.example.yml to config/private_details.rb

Add your info to config/private_details.rb

    ACCOUNT  = "subdomain"
    LOGIN    = "email"
    PASSWORD = "password"
    ROOM     = "room name"
Start the bot

    ruby bot.rb

Start/stop/restart the bot as a daemon (useful for "production" mode)

    ruby bot_runner.rb start
    ruby bot_runner.rb stop
    ruby bot_runner.rb restart

Supported Commands

Change room topic

    /topic foo topic
Search google (5 results)

    /search foo search query
Set yourself away

    /away foo status message
Turn listen responder on/off
	/earmuffs on/off
Return current status of Earmuffs

	/earmuffs status
View all user statuses

Set your status message without changing active/away status

    /status foo status message
Get details and stats on a specific user

    /finger foo user
Tell a random joke

Random Chuck Norris fact


Random Mr. T fact

Slap a user (or anything)

    /slap foo
Bitchslap Tim Novinger regardless of target user

    /bitchslap foo

Displays a photo of Yehuda Katz because he's just that awesome

Respond to someone telling someone else to shut up
    /shutup foo

Generate random strings (up to 40 chars)

    /random 8

Get weather report for a zipcode

    /weather 46845

General Listeners

Comment whenever someone mentions the word "GEM"  

    /speaks the phrase "Oooooh shiny!!!"

Comment whenever someone mentions the word "FORT WAYNE"  

    /speaks the phrase "Fort Wayne FTW!"
Comment whenever someone mentions the word "MOM"  

    /speaks the phrase "Hey now, no reason to drag someone's mom into this."
Deprecated Functionality

#### Set yourself back
	* This command has been deprecated in favor of automatic status updating. 
	* To set your active status, use the /status command.

		    /back foo status message
To do list
* Create a polling feature that could work using the following commands  
	/poll create foo				creates a new poll  
	/poll destroy foo				forces destruction of an old poll  
	/poll foo ends datetime			schedule an ending datetime for specified poll  
	/poll vote foo yes|no			vote in specified poll  
	/poll list						lists all current polls by name  
	/poll status foo				lists votes in specified poll  
	/poll username					list all polls created by specified user  
	/poll todo						show all polls you haven't voted in yet
	/poll help						displays quick list of commands and descriptions

* Extract Kanye West VMA joke photos from here and either paste in the link to follow, or paste in the image itself

* Email log of day's messages
* Could email some outputs instead of dump to chat
* Use away messages (Cucumber feature below...or at least my "hack" at it)

    Feature: Away message repeating  
      In order to not get Hulk angry when someone doesn't respond right away  
      As a chat user I want monkeybot to repeat someone's away message when I DM them
      Scenario: Messaging a user who is away  
        Given a user "Tim Harvey:" who is "/away At a meeting"  
        When I send a message "Tim Harvey: Want to do lunch?"  
        Then monkeybot will respond "Tim Harvey is away: At a meeting"  
      Scenario: Messaging a user who is back  
        Given a user "Tim Harvey:" who is "/back Chatting with Screaming Monkeys"  
        When I send a message "Tim Harvey: Do you like Chuck Norris?"  
        Then monkeybot will not respond  
