资源说明:Simple program designed to back up mysql databases and directories to amazon S3, and deleting old backups after a while
Backup Script for backing up to amazon s3 from disk and mysql Requires the following gems: rio aws-s3 sequel inifile Usage: First, edit config/database.cnf and config/config.rb config/database.cnf holds login information for mysql. If you specify the root password here, the script will backup all databases. If you specify just a user account, you must use the -s flag to specify databases to backup, e.g. ./wfbackup -s mydb1,mydb2 config/config.rb holds Amazon S3 configuration, as well as a list of directories to archive. Usage: wfbackup.rb [options] -v, --[no-]verbose Run verbosely -d, --databases Backup Database Files -s, --specific DB1,DB2,DB3 Backup specific databases rather than all. -u, --upload Upload files in done to s3 -c, --cleanup [DAYS] Remove files from S3 older than DAYS -a, --archive Archive Directories specified in config -f, --full Full Run. Same as -d -u -c -h, --help Show this message