资源说明:Video file management CLI tool that parses ill-formed media file names, looks up movie and episode metadata, subtitles, and other attributes, and outputs a singular media file using a user-defined file hierarchy.
# [src-run] serferals [Welcome](https://src.run/go/readme_welcome)! The `src-run/serferals` package provides a CLI application for looking-up and organizing media files, with support for movies and TV episodes. The following list shows the name of the input files to the left of the output paths this script would move them to on the right. ```txt Stranger Things S01E01.mkv -> tv/Stranger Things (2016)/Season 01/Stranger Things (2016) [S01E01] Chapter One: The Vanishing Of Will Byers.mkv stranger_things_s01e02.mkv -> tv/Stranger Things (2016)/Season 01/Stranger Things (2016) [S01E02] Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street.mkv 3:10-To-Yuma-720p-2007.mkv -> movie/3:10 to Yuma (2007)/3:10 to Yuma (2007) [5176].mkv ``` This behavior is especially useful for media servers such as [Plex](https://www.plex.tv/downloads/) that require their library files follow specific naming conventions. It is also useful for those with OCD-tendencies who require their archive of media to be properly and consistently named. ### Customization The output file path formats can be easily customized by overwriting the default templates in the `parameters.yml` configuration file. The default template for TV episodes is the following. ```twig tv/{{ name|raw }}{% if year is defined %} ({{ year }}){% endif %}/Season {{ season }}/{{ name|raw }}{% if year is defined %} ({{ year }}){% endif %} [S{{ season }}E{{ start }}{% if end is defined %}-{{ end }}{% endif %}]{% if title is defined %} {{ title|raw }}{% endif %}.{{ ext }} ``` You may recognize the template syntax as [Twig](http://twig.sensiolabs.org/), a widely used template engine in many web frameworks (such as [Symfony](http://symfony.com/), [Drupal](https://www.drupal.org/), and others). While its use in this project may be a bit of a "sledge hammer approach", it also means that customizing the output file paths is easy and straightforward to anyone who's worked with any modern web template language. To further exemplify the simplicity of this approach, take a look at the same template as above, but re-formatted with newlines for clarity and displaying the output of each statement in the right-hand side comments, given the following input file `Stranger Things (2016) [S01E01] Chapter One: The Vanishing Of Will Byers.mkv`. ```twig tv/ # tv/ {{ name|raw }} # Stranger Things {% if year is defined %} #({{ year }}) # (2016) {% endif %} /Season {{ season }}/ # Season 01/ {{ name|raw }} # Stranger Things {% if year is defined %} # ({{ year }}) # (2016) {% endif %} [ # [ S{{ season }} # S01 E{{ start }} # E01 {% if end is defined %} # -{{ end }} {% endif %} ] # ] {% if title is defined %} # {{ title|raw }} # Chapter One: The Vanishing Of Will Byers {% endif %} .{{ ext }} # .mkv ``` ## JTT This package represents a single project within a [large collection](https://src.run/go/explore) of open-source code released under the *SR* namespace, comprised of framework-agnostic libraries, and a number of Symfony bundles. These projects are authored and maintained by [Rob Frawley 2nd](https://src.run/rmf) and [collaborators](https://src.run/serferals/github_collaborators). ## Quick Start ### Basic Usage Video [![Serferals basic usage example](https://src.run/get/images/serferals-thumb-usage.png)](https://src.run/go/serferals-video-usage) ### Installation Before beginning, ensure you have created an account and requested a free API key from [The Movie DB](https://www.themoviedb.org/) website. Once you have an API key, take note of it and enter it when prompted by the `make` script. > **Note**: For the installation to complete successfully, **PHAR archive writing must not be disabled**. To find the > location of your configuration file, run `php -i | grep "Loaded Configuration File"`. Edit your `php.ini` file, > ensuring the variable `phar.readonly` is uncommented and assigned the value `Off`. ```bash git clone https://github.com/robfrawley/serferals.git && cd serferals ./make ``` If installation completes without error, the final line of output will be the version string of the serferals command. ```txt src-run/serferals version 2.2.3 by Rob Frawley 2nd (69975c3) ``` ### Troubleshooting If you experience issues with the installer script, debug mode can be enabled by defining a bash variable when calling `make`. ```bash SERFERALS_DEBUG=true ./make ``` Additionally, you can enable "clean installation" mode, which ensures all dependencies and helper PHARs (Composer, Box) are forcefully re-fetched. ```bash SERFERALS_CLEAN=true ./make ``` Moreover, you can enable "pristine installation" mode, which forces removal and re-creation of configuration files as well as enables everything from "clean installation" mode. ```bash SERFERALS_PRISTINE=true ./make ``` Lastly, all the above mentioned environment variables can be passed in any combination. ```bash SERFERALS_DEBUG=true SERFERALS_PRISTINE=true ./make ``` > **Note:** All troubleshooting variables are only checked to see if they are defined or undefined; they are not checked for a specific value. **Their value is irrelevant.** Calling `SERFERALS_DEBUG=false ./make` will enable "debug mode" because the variable is defined. #### Installation Video [![Serferals installation video](https://src.run/get/images/serferals-thumb-install.png)](https://src.run/go/serferals-video-install) ## Reference My prefered CLI usage includes the `-vvv` and `-s` options, enabling verbose output and the "smart overwrite" feature. ```bash serferals -vvv -s -o /output/path /input/path/foo [...] /input/path/bar ``` The only required option is the output path (`-o|--output-path`). At least one input path must be provided as an argument, though you can specify multiple input paths if required. ```bash serferals --output-path=/output/path /input/path [...] ``` ## Contributing ### Discussion For general inquiries or to discuss a broad topic or idea, find "robfrawley" on Freenode. He is always happy to discuss language-level ideas, possible new directions for a project, emerging technologies, as well as the weather. ### Issues To report issues or request a new feature, use the [project issue tracker](https://src.run/serferals/github_issues). Include as much information as possible in any bug reports. Feel free to "ping" the topic if you don't get a response within a few days (sometimes Github notification e-mails fall through the cracks). ### Code You created additional functionality while utilizing this package? Wonderful: send it back upstream! *Don't hesitate to submit a pull request!* Your [imagination](https://src.run/go/readme_imagination) and the requirements outlined within our [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://src.run/serferals/contributing) file are the only limitations. ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT License](https://src.run/go/mit), an [FSF](https://src.run/go/fsf)- and [OSI](https://src.run/go/osi)-approved, [GPL](https://src.run/go/gpl)-compatible, permissive free software license. Review the [LICENSE](https://src.run/serferals/license) file distributed with this source code for additional information. ## API Usage [![PThe Movie Database](https://src.run/get/images/tmdb-logo-91x81.png)](https://src.run/serferals/packagist) Serferals episode and movie lookup powered by [The Movie Database](https://www.themoviedb.org/) [API](http://docs.themoviedb.apiary.io/).