资源说明:Easily use C libraries in Rakudo Perl 6
Link::C - Link C libraries into your Perl 6 program Supports most functions of native types (int, char *, etc.) No support for structs, but this can be added eventually. Only works with Rakudo. USAGE: use Link::C; Link::C::link; my $result = C::my_function("arguments", 42); OPTIONS: (give to Link::C::link) :link($match, ...) (Default: *) - Link only functions whose names match $match. Useful if you're interested in only a small subset of a large library that would take a long time to process. :skip($match, ...) - Do not link functions whose names match $match. This overrides :link. :import($match, ...) :import($match => $subst, ...) - Import functions into global namespace By default functions are put into the C:: namespace. Using this option will import the functions whose names match $match, optionally replacing those parts of their name with $subst. You can include namespace seperators in the string. This is mainly so you can say: :import(/^SDL_/ => 'SDL::') or such, and call SDL::Init instead of C::SDL_Init. Using :import(*) will put all functions into the global namespace. :verbose - Print status messages to STDERR for the impatient. :quiet - Disable non-fatal warnings such as when caching fails. :cache (Default: True) - Cache the linking code. :!cache - Do not cache the linking code. :cache - Use cache even if old. Use this if you don't want Link::C to regenerate the linking code every time your program is modified. To force regeneration, delete both cache files manually or remove this option. INSTALLATION: Copy the Link directory to wherever you keep your perl 6 libraries. DEPENDENCIES: perl >= 5.10 nm gcc or cpp NOTES: Eventually, you will simply be able to say: use Link::C ; instead of: use Link::C; Link::C::link ; but this is not possible until custom imports are specced and implemented. Due to Rakudo's speed, the first run-through of your program will take a bit of time to generate and compile the linking code. However, this code will be cached at $yourprogram.linkc-cache.pm and $yourprogram.linkc-cache.pir. Once cached there will be minimal overhead. For even shorter load times, do this: $ perl6 --target=pir Link/C.pm > Link/C.pir Right now, Link::C::link can only be called once, because the cache would get overwritten. However, you can give all your libraries and headers to Link::C at once, and it will automatically link each function to the right library. This will probably be faster than doing it in multiple passes anyway. Link::C assumes your library files are in ELF format.